Each one tree one essay answer?
Each One Plant Tree One
‘Each one plant tree one’ is quite a similar campaign to ‘each one teach one campaign’. The latter campaign was initiated to end the darkness of illiteracy among the black people in America before the declaration of the Emancipation Declaration. The former campaign is the direst need of the hour to ever deteriorating environment all across the globe. Industrialization and urbanization brought in their wake catastrophic consequences. Global warming, deforestation, irregular climate patterns, floods, earthquakes, etc. never afflicted the mankind so much as in the contemporary times.
The panacea to all the environmental problems is planting trees. According to Scientific American the world is losing 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest daily. This colossal loss can only be compensated for by mass forestation drives all across the world, especially in the developing countries. Mass forestation drives are possible only through mass participation.
Mass afforestation is the most efficient natural technique to minimize greenhouse effect. Trees will reduce the excess of carbon dioxide by processing it during the photosynthesis. Apart from this, trees will preserve wildlife, beautify and purify the surroundings, minimize soil erosion, stabilize climate, provide forest products for growing human population, construction, and infrastructure.
Trees are very vital for evolution and the smooth running of all the life forms on the planet. They are indeed the power-house of evolution. Each one of us must plant at least one tree each, and ensure its healthy growth. It will be the most positive and constructive step towards environment conservation and ensuring peaceful, healthy, and prosperous life for the coming generations
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