Earth revolves around the sun in a circular orbit with a uniform speed. Is this motion uniform or accelerated?Explain.
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Probably nothing in truly uniform motion.
The motion of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth have a nearly uniform speed since their orbits are almost circular. The rotation of the earth around its axis is uniform within a few microseconds per day.
Max. orbital velocity (km/s) 30.29 Min. orbital velocity (km/s) 29.29
so the speed varies by about 1.5% over a 12 month period fairly uniform but not perfect.
The motion of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth have a nearly uniform speed since their orbits are almost circular. The rotation of the earth around its axis is uniform within a few microseconds per day.
Max. orbital velocity (km/s) 30.29 Min. orbital velocity (km/s) 29.29
so the speed varies by about 1.5% over a 12 month period fairly uniform but not perfect.
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