easay of lok shabha
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The Lok Sabha or House of the People is the lower house of the Parliament of India. Members of the Lok Sabha are elected by direct election under universal adult franchise. As of 2019, there have been seventeen Lok Sabhas elected by the people of India. The Constitution limits the Lok Sabha to a maximum of 552 members. This includes no more than 20 members representing people from the Union Territories, and two appointed non-partisan members to represent the Anglo-Indian community (if the President feels that the community is not represented well enough).
Each Lok Sabha is formed for a five-year term. Normally, after five years, it is automatically dissolved. It can be extended by a proclamation of emergency. If this happens, the term may be extended for one year. It can be extended more than one time. The 17th and current Lok Sabha was formed in May 2019
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The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is fix at 552. 530 members are to be elected directly by people from States of India. 20 members are to be elected or selected by the President as necessary from Union Territories.... The voters of the India are largest among the democratic countries of the world.
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