eassay on world of tomorrow
This is actually very accurate, because when doctors perform major surgery they hold someone else’s life in their hands. If the doctor wasn’t educated the person on the table would die. Science education is not only helping in the field of medicine, it is also helping in many other subjects, for many businesses go hand in hand. So observe how fast technology and other fields are moving into the 21st century. Mostly because there have been even more skilled scientists and people with even a common knowledge of science that all contribute to help save mother nature. Another reason that teaching kids about science is significant is that when they are taught about the planet that they live on and how it works, they are also taught how to take care of it. An interesting quote found in Time was “Don’t blow it - good planets are hard to find” (Time). Although quite ironic, it’s true. Right now cars and vehicles are helping people everywhere, but they are also causing air pollution. Here is where science comes in. Science may have helped build the cars but it is also working to improve the cars by creating less air pollution than past vehicles. Although no one has figured out how to solve everything yet with one simple answer, through teaching kids about science they will hopefully be able to make the right decisions using what they have been taught and also to help clear pollution. Also no one knows the future, maybe one of the kids may even find the answerShow MoreRelatedBrave New World: The Advancement of Science1450 Words | 6 PagesBrave New World: The Advancement of Science Christy Campbell Mrs. Doig Eng OAC 2 16 May, 1996 When thinking of progress, most people think of advances in the scientific fields, believing that most discoveries and technologies are beneficial to society. Are these advances as beneficial as most people think? In the novel Brave New World, the author Aldous Huxley, warns readers that scientific advances can be a threat to society. This is particularly evident in the fields of biology, technology…Show MoreMost Difficult Topics a Computer Science Student Encounters1658 Words | 7 PagesI. INTRDUCTION This research entitled, “A study on The Most Difficult Topic a Computer Science Student Encounters”, was made in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Operations Research I. Guided by my Professor, Mrs. Realinixa Krishnan, I am trying to cite the topic which most Computer Science Student perceive as the most difficult in order for me to show computer educators which topics to focus and give more time to. Because of the fact that every year level receives different amounts of…Show MoreScience and Technology in World Agriculture735 Words | 3 PagesIn “Science and Technology in World Agriculture: Narratives and Discourses,” Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo persuades the experts in biotechnology that the World Bank can create a balance between conservative and radical parties. In order to reinforce his stance, Scandizzo uses various forms of evidence: the narratives of both parties, the description the ecological problems, and the World Development Report. Scandizzo uses a description of the narratives of both conservative and radical parties to establish…
The present is said to be a continuation of The past. The past is certain, but the future is uncertain. Keeping an eye on the present- what is, we can predict or risk a guess about the future. If Scientists can give a practical shape of H.G.Wells’s Time Machine, or devise such a computer brain, it will be easy to tell something about the world of tomorrow.
Judging from the modern scientific progress, we can say that in future whole world will be linked with gaint, multiple computers. According to professor Robert Jastrow of Columbia University: ‘We will see the silicon brain in an emergent form of the life to compete with man’.It is rather impossible to fathom the folly of human heart, but we can hope for better future. Hope is more rational than fear.
If the fear of future war is abolished, we can say, life shall become more mechanized. Instead of using cars and buses, the future generations will use moving roads. They will have simply to step on the moving roads in front of their houses. It is possible that instead of living in dingy houses on the earth, people may live in air colonies. The dream of space light may come true in near future.