eassy on Gupta Dynasty
The ancestry and early history of the Gupta family are little known, and have naturally given rise to various speculations.
But very likely they were initially a family of landowners who acquired political control in the region of Magadha and parts of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh seems to have been a more important province for the Guptas than Bihar, because early Gupta coins and inscriptions have been mainly found in that region.
Hence Uttar Pradesh seems to have been the place from where the Guptas operated and fanned out in different directions. Probably with their centre of power at Prayag they spread in the neighbouring regions. The Guptas were possibly the feudatories of the Kushanas in Uttar Pradesh, and seem to have succeeded them without any wide time-lag.
The Guptas enjoyed certain material advantages. The centre of their operations lay in the fertile land of Madhyadesha covering Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. They could exploit the iron ores of central India and south Bihar. Further, they took advantage of their proximity to the areas in north India which carried on silk trade with the Byzantine Empire.
On account of these favourable factors, the Guptas set up their rule over Anuganga (the middle Gangetic basin), Prayag (modern Allahabad), Saket (modern Ayodhya) and Magadha. In course of time this kingdom became an all-India empire
Essay : The Gupta Dynasty
The first two kings of the dynasty were Srigupta and Ghatotkacha.
Chandragupta I ( AD 319 - 350)
He was the first important king of the Gupta Dynasty.
He started the Gupta era in AD 319-320.
Samudragupta (AD 350-375)
The Gupta kingdom was enlarged enormously by Chandragupta's son and successor Samudragupta.
Samudragupta us called the 'Napoleon' of India.
Chandragupta - II ( Vikramaditya )(AD 375-415)
His Court was adorned by celebrated in gems called Navaratnas including Kalidasa ,Amarsinha ,Varahmihir and Dhanvantari.
Chinese pilgrim Fahien visited India at this time.
Now , Let's look to some of the Literature of the Gupta Period.
Author : Kalidas
Work - Abhigyan Shakuntalam, Ritusamhara, Meghadutam, Kumarasambhavam, Malavikagnimitram, Raghuvansham, Vikramaurvashi.
Author : Shudraka
Work - Mrichhakatikam
Author : Vishakhadatta
Work - Mudrarakshasa
Author : Vishnu Sharma
Work - Panchtantra, Hitopdesh.
Author : Amarsimha
Work - Amarkosha
Author : Aryabhatta
Work - Aryabhatiya , Suryasiddhanta.
Author : Varahmihira
Work - Brihatsamhita
Harsha Vardhan (AD 606-647)
Belonged to Pushyabhuti family.
Originally belonged to Thaneshwar, but shifted to Kannauj.
Chinese Pilgrim , Hieun Tsang visited during his reign.
Harsha used to celebrate a solemn festival in Prayag ( now Prayagraj ), at the end of every five years.
Banabhatta, who adorned his court wrote Harshacharita and Kadambari.
Defeated by Pulakesin II, the great Chalukya king, on the banks of Narmada in 620.
Chalukya of Vatapi ( Badani )
Founder - Pulakesin I.
Pulakesin II was their most famous king , who was a contemporary of Harsha.
Much of the paintings and sculptures of the Ajanta and Ellora caves were completed during the Chalukyan reign.
Rashtrakutas :
Founder - Dantidurga
Their king , Krishna I Constructed famous rock-cut Kailasha temple at Ellora.
Rashtrakustas are credited with the building of caves shrine of Elephanta.
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