eassy on importance of sun
eassy on importance of sun.
- Nothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock.
- The sun supplies energy through heat and gives Earth light, it is the number one reason we are alive because it helps create oxygen, in which we breathe in order to live.
- The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.
- The Sun gives life to the Earth and the Earth would have no life at all without the energy it receives from the Sun.
The Role And Importance Of The Sun Philosophy Essay
2275 words (9 pages) Essay in Philosophy
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We know that the sun is very important to us but the main question is why. We all understand that the sun supplies Earth with never ending energy that we use in multiple ways. The energy comes in as heat and light and we transform the energy in different ways to create electricity. But how is the energy created and how it gets to Earth? The formation of sun’s energy lies within its core and radiates outward and travels out to Earth and the rest of the solar system. Our sun is the central part of our solar system; if the sun didn’t exist several things wouldn’t occur: the process of photosynthesis would not take place, oxygen cannot be created, therefore, life cannot be present. The sun and its sunlight give us access to many resources. Sunlight helps the plants produce oxygen and overtime create fossil fuels. The importance of the sun is both positive and negative, the more we study and understand the sun we learn to advance our society. The suns positive effects help us find and progress ways to gain renewable resources, such as creating wind power, dams and solar energy. The negative effects of the sun include climate changes and damaging of the ozone, and harmful effects on humans that result in sunburn, eye damage, and damaging of the skin: skin cancer and premature aging. The sun produces two different Ultraviolet Radiations (UV rays), UVA and UVB. The sun effects earth in many ways to carry on life and that’s why it is very important. It gives us the privilege to energy: heat and light, oxygen, water, electricity, and many more. It’s truly amazing how this star of gas can create many things to save our life’s and it is important that we understand the reasons why, and not always take it for granted. Who knows scientist say that after another 5 billion years there may not be a sun anymore.