एडवांटेज ऑफ सोलर सेल
Advantage of solar cell
1.Renewable energy--The energy can be used both to generate electricity and heat in the house, either through solar pv or solar thermal.
2.Economic-friendly energy - solar cells provide a great opportunity to create saving on our electric bill.
3 Innovative energy - Today photovoltaic is a popular topic in green energy and is considered to be a good solution to prevent climate change.
4.Environment friendly energy - with solar cells occurs almost no pollution.
5.Infinite energy-When we have the opportunity to extract energy from the sunray, this is a source of energy that will never be exhausted, therefore there will always be a source for electricity production.
6.Long term energy - PV systems often have a long life and good durability. At the same time, there is often a guarantee of minimum 20 years on our soar panels.
Disadvantage of solar cell
1.High investment - the installation cost of the solar panels are relatively high. However one must bear in mind that producing energy then, is free.
2.seasonal energy - compared to other types of renewable energy, the solar power plant is highly seasonal.
सौर बैटरी या सौर सेल फोटोवोल्टाइक प्रभाव के द्वारा सूर्य या प्रकाश के किसी अन्य स्रोत से ऊर्जा प्राप्त करता है। ... एक बार यह क्रिया होने के बाद इलेक्ट्रॉन में उपस्थित ऊर्जा या तो बैटरी में भंडार हो जाती है या फिर सीधे प्रयोग में आती है। ऊर्जा के भंडारण होने के बाद सौर बैटरी अपने निश्चित समय पर डिस्चार्ज होती है।