English, asked by lumina11, 7 months ago

Edison understood a great principle of living: almost any situation good or
bad - is affected by the attitude we bring to it. Tough minded opumint 0approach
problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. Indeed.
recent studies suggest that upbeat people carn more money, do better in school,
are healthier and perhaps, even live longer than pessimists.
As a psychotherapist, I've studied what makes optimista tick. malyang
the lives of several hundred suunatul people over the years. While many surfenea
crushing setbacks all learnt techniques for defeating dejection and keeping their
enthumnam high during difficult periods. I believe that if you, too, adopt those
time tcated ideas, you will get more from life.
Rehearse success. Optimists always picture themselves accomplishing their
goals. I once asked a world-class marksman about the qualities that make for
success in that sport. The secret is mental conditioning. He replied. Evendas,
I play a movie in my head in which I see myself shooting in perfect soone,
Find opportunity in failure. One day year ago, literate agent Mike Somdal
and I made what I thought was a superb proposal to a editor, but it was rejected
on the spot Walking back to our hotel, I was discouraged, but not Mike.
"This is when selling gets to be fun!" he exclaimed. "Well go back and appeal
to their needs, and they'll try beg to buy from us. All we have to do in figure out the
right approach!"
What I regard as failure, Mike saw merely as a setback. He seemed charger!
by the challerige. Eventually, a new approach was successful, and we negotiated a
contract with the very publisher who had tumed us away.
(Read the above passage and write a summary and give a suitable title)
plsssssss help me


Answered by singhsatpal61834

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