EEIILNOST unscramble, related to everyday objects
There is an error in the jumble word. This jumble is a part of "These are 20 things which we see daily in the mornings, correct the spelling" and a list of jumbled/scrambled words ((words such as washing machine, mobile. dustbin, bedsheet, frying pan etc were in jumbled form) are given, of which the correct scrambled word for the given question is "EEIILVNOST". The actual word is
Answer: Television
Unscrambling words means rearranging words that are jumbled so as to reveal all the possible word combinations. Some rule for unscrambling words
- Separate the vowels from the consonants.
- To see what you come up with, try to pair different consonants with vowels. Words all should have vowels. Also, consonants do not stand on their own although you can have a word with only one vowel, like "a"/"i"
- Look for short words, like those with 2 or 3 letters, to start with.
- Then, by pluralising them/adding any letters we can change the tense,
- Choose any prefixes/suffixes which can lengthen the words which we come up with
- Create a list of possible words, and ensure to check the spelling to ensure that you have not just made up a non-existent word!
From unscrambling/unjumbling the word we get "television".
- Television is a machine with a display. TVs receive transmitted signals & turn them into images & sound. The term "television" is derived from the word tele is word in Greek which means "far away" and vision (sight).
- A television can look like a box sometimes. Older TVs in a "large wooden frame" had a large "cathode ray tube" & sat like furniture on the floor. A lot lighter and flatter are the newer TVs. A TV can display images from several TV networks. "
- Computers & mobile devices" also can be used for viewing television shows. In the 1920s, the TV was invented, however the equipment was costly & the pictures were poor. Those issues had been resolved by the 1950s & TVs had become common.
To know more
unscramble words of OPEAWDTRE -
The correct answer is "Loneliest"
In the question given above,we need to unscramble the scrambled words.
We are given a word "EEIILNOST".
Therefore when we unscramble the given word.The correct answer "Loneliest".