Effects of unemployment
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Being unemployed can lead to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and other mental health issues, especially if an individual truly wants a job but can't find employment. Tension can occur, causing stress and strain on the body. Economic Issues: During unemployment, there is no income, which leads to poverty.
Positive Effects of Unemployment
The only positive effects of unemployment are individual effects.
Avoiding Morning Commute:. Many people despise rush hour traffic on their commute to work. Being unemployed means no more getting up early to deal with heavy traffic.
More Time With Family and Friends: This is a strong positive effect of unemployment for an individual. They can spend time with their children, family and friends. Without a job, there is more time to participate in family or school events.
Negative Effects of Unemployment
The negative effects far outweigh the positive effects when it comes to the impact unemployment has on society and the individual as well.
Not Enough Money: This is one of the adverse effects on the individual. Everything in the world costs money. If there is no source of income, you're going to have to settle and go without. If an unemployed individual has a family, it's difficult. Sure, there are unemployment benefits, but they aren't going to pay for extra things to do with your family and travel to new places.
Health Issues: This is another individual negative effect, but an important one. Being unemployed can lead to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and other mental health issues, especially if an individual truly wants a job but can't find employment. Tension can occur, causing stress and strain on the body.
Economic Issues: During unemployment, there is no income, which leads to poverty. The burden of debt will increase, leading to economic problems. When there is unemployment, the state and the federal governments have to step in and pay unemployment benefits. By needing to pay more of these benefits, the government must borrow money to pay the benefits or reduce spending in other areas.