Science, asked by ravindramore, 9 months ago

Eification of living
in understanding
der to understand
What do you understand from femike
in it and the conservation
tudy of biodiversity
Key is luxonomical aid se
nderstand classifieution of plants and animals
(808 on theithaint based on earstinu eharacters. One of
biodiversity witrusting characters fets decepted and to
rejected the statement in key is called a les
Nexully keys are analytical in meture
study about classification of living or
in text chapter
Che correct option
A Which is not a property of living being
a. Metabolism
6 Growth
d. Reproduction
Write short notes
A Role of human being in Wodiversity
ft Invertance of yofmica con
Do you know?
flow can you or individunt prevent the
ed on the winny
When plants how any forest locality
are conserved on the name of holy place it is
calleti os ectcred grove these also considera
Ets bacted natural sites by IUCN.
13. Aparticular plant is strictly second plant
Which one of the following is best stited
ir it is to be studied in the laboratory
6. Herbarium
b. Museum
C. Botanical Garden
& Flower exhibition
CA Group of students found two
cockroaches in the classroom. They had
a debate whether they are alive or dead
Which life property will help them to do
1 viate her harmander the
Vour teacher
Find munt Information about any me
sacred grove devralyn Vichar
water jellytishi
vt to be found
ere published
i 1912. De
of the Indian
Acharkur in
reserve and
s of animal
ARI. Pune
www luternet my friend
Collect information about botanical dan
dens, zoological parks and biodiversity hot
spots in India
12 Collect information of endemie fort und
fuuna of India
6. Metabolism
b. Growth
c. Irritability
d. Reproduction
tion in maintaining biodiversity of earth. Find out more
diversity in India
hus projects like connecting rivers or connecting cities by
shuts offeet critically endangered species like Black
Eriocanton syy?
2. Distinguish between botimnical gardens
Yoological park and wiodiversity park
with reference in characteristics
• Answer the following questions
A. Jijamata Udyan, the famous 466 in
Mumbai has ccclimatised humbolt
penguins. Why should penguins be
acclimatised when kept of a place away
from their natural habitat
Rivo found peculiar plant on her visit to
Himachal Pradesh. What are the ways
she can show it to her biology teacher and
get information about it?
C. At Andaman, authorities do not allow
toutists to collect shells from beaches,
Why it must be sol
D. Why do we have green house in botanical


Answered by ARHAMABDULLAH0303




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