एक आदमी एक स्पीकर को 20% के लाभ पर ₹ 7,500 में बेचता है और दूसरे स्पीकर को 10% की हानि पर ₹ 8,100 में बेचता है । उसकी कुल हानि अथवा लाभ ज्ञात कीजिए । (1) हानि = ₹ 300 (2) हानि =₹350 (3) लाभ = ₹300 (4) लाभ =₹350 A man sells one speaker for ₹ 7,500 at a profit of 20% and another speaker for ₹8,100 at a loss of 10%. Find his total loss or profit. (1) Loss = ₹300 (2) Loss = ₹350 (3) Profit = ₹300 (4) Profit = ₹350
profit =350
Step-by-step explanation:
first speaker cp =
7500 × ( = 100+20) : 7500 × 100 120
- 6250
profit = 7500-6250=1250
on 2nd speaker cp =
8100 x ( 100 100 10 : 8100 X - 9000 100 90
loss =9000-8100-900
so profit = 1250-900-350
profit =350
profit =350Math
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا ه
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =100
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250profit = 7500-6250-1250
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250profit = 7500-6250-1250on 2nd speaker cp =
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250profit = 7500-6250-1250on 2nd speaker cp =8100 x (100 100 10: 8100 - 9000 100 90
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250profit = 7500-6250-1250on 2nd speaker cp =8100 x (100 100 10: 8100 - 9000 100 90loss =9000-8100-900
profit =350Math50 points Ⓒ- 61 % ||.. ا هStep-by-step explanation:first speaker cp =1007500 × ( = 100+20): 7500 × 100 120- 6250profit = 7500-6250-1250on 2nd speaker cp =8100 x (100 100 10: 8100 - 9000 100 90loss =9000-8100-900so profit = 1250-900-350