Electrostatics all formulae
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Electrostatics formulasElectrostatic forceCoulomb's Law
F = kq1q2/r2
where k=1/4πεo=9x109Nm2C-2
εo = 8.85x10-12C2m-2N-1
Vector notationElectrostatic fieldElectric field due to a point chargeE = F/qo = kq/r2 N/C
E due to circular loop of charge (radius r) at a distance x from the center
Electric dipoleDipole momentCm
Electric field at an axial point of a dipoleElectric field at an equatorial point of a dipoleTorque acting on a dipole in a uniform electric fieldPotential energy of a dipole in a uniform electric fieldElectrostatic potentialElectrostatic potential differencePotential due to a point chargePotential at an axial point of a dipoleif then
Potential at an equatorial point of a dipoleRelation between electrostatic field and potential gradientElectric field = negative of the potential gradientElectrostatic potential energyElectrostatic potential energy of two point chargesGauss' theoremElectric fluxGauss' theoremDefinition: Electric flux ϕ through any closed surface is 1/εo times the net charge Q enclosed by the surface.
Electric field E due to infinitely long straight wire (a line charge)Electric field E due to thin infinite plane sheet of chargeElectric field between two thin infinite plane parallel sheets of chargeElectric field due to uniformly charged spherical shellfor r > R
for r < R
for r = R
CapacitanceFarad 1F = 1 C/V
Isolated spherical conductorParallel plate capacitoror where and k is dielectric constant
Capacitors in seriesCapacitors in parallelEnergy stored in a capacitorEnergy density
Common potentialC with conducting slab between the two plateswhere t is thickness of slab [t < d]
C with dielectric slab between the two plateswhere k is the dielectric constant
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Formulas related to Electrostatics ie., static charges :
K = 1/(4πε) = 9 * 10⁹ units ;; ε = K * ε₀
Coulomb's law: Force F = K Q1 Q2 / d²
Electric field:
due to a point charge Q: E = F / q = K Q/d²
a Long wire (infinite) of uniform charge density λ at a distance d:
E = K 2λ / d = λ / [2 πε d]
due to a finite wire (length 2a) at distance d on the perpendicular bisector:
E = K q /[x √(x²+a²) ]
A large rectangular sheet (infinite): σ/(2ε)
Inside a parallel plate capacitor (between two plates): σ/ε
Electric Flux: Φ = E * Area S :

Potential at point P
V = - Work done in bringing a unit charge from infinity to point P
V = W/ q
E = -dV/dr

Potential difference between points:

Potential :
due to point charge: K q/r

across a parallel plate capacitor: d * E = σ d /ε
at a point close to a large sheet of charge = E d = σ d/2ε
at the surface of a metallic sphere = K Q/R
at a distance x from a ring of charge q ^ radius R, along the axis:
V= Kq/√(R²+x²)
Along the axis of a disc : V = σ/(2ε) * [√(R²+x²) - x ]
At the center of a disc: V = σR / (2ε)
At the edge of a disc: V = σR /(π ε)
Potential energy
stored in a field E per unit volume: U = 1/2 * ε * E²
stored in a system of two charges: U = K q1 q2 / d
work done = q V
Capacitance = C = Q/V
parallel plate capacitor: ε A / d = σ A / (E d)
A coaxial cable of inner and outer radii a & b, per unit length: [2 K * Ln (a/b)]⁻¹
Parallel combination: C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...
Series combination : 1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 ...
Of a sphere of radius R = R /K
U = 1/2 * C V²
Dipole: charges along y axis
Dipole moment = p = 2 a q
Field E at point P (x,y,z):
![E_x=-\frac{dV}{dx}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{x}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{x}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\E_y=-\frac{dV}{dy}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{y-a}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{y+a}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\E_z=-\frac{dV}{dz}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{z}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{z}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\ E_x=-\frac{dV}{dx}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{x}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{x}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\E_y=-\frac{dV}{dy}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{y-a}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{y+a}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\E_z=-\frac{dV}{dz}=\frac{q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \{\frac{z}{[x^2+(y-a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{z}{[x^2+(y+a)^2+z^2]^{\frac{3}{2}}} \}\\\\](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=E_x%3D-%5Cfrac%7BdV%7D%7Bdx%7D%3D%5Cfrac%7Bq%7D%7B4+%5Cpi+%5Cepsilon_0%7D+%5C%7B%5Cfrac%7Bx%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y-a%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+-+%5Cfrac%7Bx%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y%2Ba%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+%5C%7D%5C%5C%5C%5CE_y%3D-%5Cfrac%7BdV%7D%7Bdy%7D%3D%5Cfrac%7Bq%7D%7B4+%5Cpi+%5Cepsilon_0%7D+%5C%7B%5Cfrac%7By-a%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y-a%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+-+%5Cfrac%7By%2Ba%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y%2Ba%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+%5C%7D%5C%5C%5C%5CE_z%3D-%5Cfrac%7BdV%7D%7Bdz%7D%3D%5Cfrac%7Bq%7D%7B4+%5Cpi+%5Cepsilon_0%7D+%5C%7B%5Cfrac%7Bz%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y-a%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+-+%5Cfrac%7Bz%7D%7B%5Bx%5E2%2B%28y%2Ba%29%5E2%2Bz%5E2%5D%5E%7B%5Cfrac%7B3%7D%7B2%7D%7D%7D+%5C%7D%5C%5C%5C%5C)
Along the axis at y: V = K P /(y² - a²) ;; E = K 2Py / (y² - a²)²
Along the bisector: V = 0 ;; E = K P / (x² + a²)³/²
Potential V at P(x,y,z) :

Field E due to a Ring of charge q and radius R at distance x along the axis:
E = K q x /(x²+R²)³/² = K q Sin² θ * cosθ / R²
Torque on a dipole:

Potential energy of a dipole in an electric field E: U (θ) = - PE Cos θ = - P . E
Time period of oscillation of dipole in electric field E:
T = 2 π √[ I /PE ] I = moment of inertia of dipole
Electric field inside a spherical shell = 0
Electric field inside a conductor = 0
Electric field inside a charged sphere: K q r /R³
Potential inside a charged sphere: K q / R * [3/2 - r²/2R² ]
K = 1/(4πε) = 9 * 10⁹ units ;; ε = K * ε₀
Coulomb's law: Force F = K Q1 Q2 / d²
Electric field:
due to a point charge Q: E = F / q = K Q/d²
a Long wire (infinite) of uniform charge density λ at a distance d:
E = K 2λ / d = λ / [2 πε d]
due to a finite wire (length 2a) at distance d on the perpendicular bisector:
E = K q /[x √(x²+a²) ]
A large rectangular sheet (infinite): σ/(2ε)
Inside a parallel plate capacitor (between two plates): σ/ε
Electric Flux: Φ = E * Area S :
Potential at point P
V = - Work done in bringing a unit charge from infinity to point P
V = W/ q
E = -dV/dr
Potential difference between points:
Potential :
due to point charge: K q/r
across a parallel plate capacitor: d * E = σ d /ε
at a point close to a large sheet of charge = E d = σ d/2ε
at the surface of a metallic sphere = K Q/R
at a distance x from a ring of charge q ^ radius R, along the axis:
V= Kq/√(R²+x²)
Along the axis of a disc : V = σ/(2ε) * [√(R²+x²) - x ]
At the center of a disc: V = σR / (2ε)
At the edge of a disc: V = σR /(π ε)
Potential energy
stored in a field E per unit volume: U = 1/2 * ε * E²
stored in a system of two charges: U = K q1 q2 / d
work done = q V
Capacitance = C = Q/V
parallel plate capacitor: ε A / d = σ A / (E d)
A coaxial cable of inner and outer radii a & b, per unit length: [2 K * Ln (a/b)]⁻¹
Parallel combination: C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...
Series combination : 1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 ...
Of a sphere of radius R = R /K
U = 1/2 * C V²
Dipole: charges along y axis
Dipole moment = p = 2 a q
Field E at point P (x,y,z):
Along the axis at y: V = K P /(y² - a²) ;; E = K 2Py / (y² - a²)²
Along the bisector: V = 0 ;; E = K P / (x² + a²)³/²
Potential V at P(x,y,z) :
Field E due to a Ring of charge q and radius R at distance x along the axis:
E = K q x /(x²+R²)³/² = K q Sin² θ * cosθ / R²
Torque on a dipole:
Potential energy of a dipole in an electric field E: U (θ) = - PE Cos θ = - P . E
Time period of oscillation of dipole in electric field E:
T = 2 π √[ I /PE ] I = moment of inertia of dipole
Electric field inside a spherical shell = 0
Electric field inside a conductor = 0
Electric field inside a charged sphere: K q r /R³
Potential inside a charged sphere: K q / R * [3/2 - r²/2R² ]
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