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⏩ Write a beautiful essay on the topic
"Importance of Money"
Money is the most basic requirement of the life without which one cannot fulfil his basic needs and requirements of the daily routine. We can never compare the importance of the money with the importance of love or care. When one need money, love cannot fulfil this requirement and if one need love, money cannot fulfil this requirement.
Both are highly required for the healthy life but they have their significance and importance separately. Both are required by us on urgent basis so we cannot rank both on the same scale. We need money everywhere such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to see TV, news, subscribe newspaper, wear clothe, get admission and many more requirements.
Money Essay 2 (150 words)
Money is the basic requirement of the life without which one cannot imagine a healthy and peaceful life. We need money even buying a little needle. In the modern time, where growth of civilisation is going very fast and following western culture, we need more money because of the increasing prices of everything. Earlier there was a system called barter system in which one was allowed to exchange things to get goods however, in the modern one need only money to buy everything.
The importance of money is increasing day by day as the living has become so costly. The significance of money has increased to a great extent in the field of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public finance and etc. It plays a very crucial role in determining the input, income, employment, output, general price level of anything, etc.
Money Essay 3 (200 words)
In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need money to fulfil our basic needs of the life such as buying food, and other many basic necessities of life which are almost impossible to buy without money. People in the society who are rich and have property are looked as honourable and respectful person of the society however a poor person is seen as hatred without any good impression.
Money increases the position of the person in the society and gives good impression to him. All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business in order to fulfil all the increasing demands of the modern age. However, only few people get this chance of completing their dreams of being a millionaire.
So, money is the thing of great importance all through the life. Money is required by everyone whether he/she is rich or poor ad living in urban areas or rural areas. People in the urban areas are earning more money than the people living in backward or rural areas as the people of the urban areas have more access to the technologies and get more opportunity because of the easy sources.
Here is ur answer! Plzz follow me!
Money is not everything in life but it is true that money can buy lots of things. It goes without saying that all services and products are quantified in terms of green bucks. After the barter trade went out of fashion, money has taken its place and made transactions simple for the people. In short, it has become part and parcel of our lives.
How money plays an important role in our life?
Medical facilities: People get quality medical care only when they are able to pay for the services in terms of credit card or cash. If they do not have money, they can only dream of going to the doctor and get medicinal treatment. It is required to meet the charges of the doctor and cost of medicinal manufacturing.
Money can definitely buy happiness: People with money can buy homes and vehicles of their choice. They can rule the roost in the materialistic world. If they are able to fulfill the wishes, individuals would not feel jealous of others. They are happy and contended as money can fund their lavish style of living.
Symbol of authority: Money generates power and authority which every woman loves. It works like an aphrodisiac that would cement the bond between the couples. Since money is in abundance, spouses do not fight with each other and live a wonderful life. They can afford to engage in the activity of their interest no matter how expensive it is.
Barometer of success: No matter what people say, money is still the barometer of success. Individuals who have got a huge bank balance and live a flashy lifestyle. Skill courage, appearance, personality, power, and prestige are the parameters to judge a person and they can only be achieved with the help o9f money in life.
Fit life: A fit and healthy life is not possible if you are a pauper. People who have to regularly worry about daily bread and butter cannot concentrate on developing a fitness regime for themselves. If you are flush with cash, it is possible to join the gym of choice and undergo training under the supervision of experienced instructors.
People looking to develop their physique should have ample money to buy supplements as they are expensive. In addition, developing the personality also requires the magic bucks. Clothes that define the appearance of the person can only be purchased with money.
Money defines relationships: It is sad but true fact that majority of relationships in the world is based on the flow of money not only in professional but also in personal space. As a person, you should stay clear of the buddies who are financial parasites. They can make you pauper by the time you realize what is happening. Avoid relationship with girls who are only after your money and treat you as their sugar daddy. A true friend will never allow you to waste money on unnecessary expenditure especially on his or her comfort. Learn to save hard earned wealth and invest intelligently in leading a happy and healthy life in the future.