English, asked by neikhaaseno, 1 month ago

emerging trends of caste mobility assigment


Answered by 320415


Indian social reality has been analysed by social scientists in terms of so­cial categories like caste, class, tribe and religious and linguistic groups. The same categories have been used for getting an insight into the process of change in the society. While earlier it was maintained that caste system keeps Indian society as a closed system, now it is said that the triangle of endogamy, hierarchy and pollution is breaking down (K.S. Singh, 1992:23).

The problem of social mobility is directly linked with the sys­tem of social stratification. Yogendra Singh is of the opinion that the tradition-modernity dichotomy in the studies of social mobility has often led to a confusion of perspectives. Such confusion was found among western scholars. It led them to contend that mobility was absent in the social system of traditional India which was said to have a closed system (ascriptive-oriented) of social stratification.


This only shows the ideological bias of the scholars. M.N. Srinivas too has said that while traditional Indian society was stationary in character, it did not preclude the mobility, upward as well as downward, of individual castes in the local hierarchy. Surajit Sinha (1957) has also pointed out that many tribals ascended to the position of royalty in India by establishing claim to Kskatriyakood by conquest and accumulation of power.

Silverberg has talked of social mobility in India through renunciation. In the scheme of ashramas, renunciation was prescribed for the twice-born castes. In practice, however, members from the lower castes also used to become sanyasins (mendicants/monks) to escape the deprivations of their own place in the social hierarchy.

In recent times, social mobility as a process has become more active. M.N. Srinivas has explained it through the processes of sanskritisation and westernisation. McKim Marriott, Louis Dumont and Rajni Kothari have also found social mobility prevalent at different levels. On the one hand, the members of lower castes attempt to raise their social status in the caste hierarchy, on the other hand, caste as group attempts mobility by gaining political power or through the process of politicisation of castes.

hope it will helps you

please mark me as brainlest

Answered by OoExtrovertoO


Under the effect of certain intense variables, Caste System is experiencing extraordinary changes in modern India.

Modern Education assumes a crucial part in reducing the significance of Caste System in Indian Society Modern education depends on mainstream standards and residential esteems.

The present age is the time of modernization. Because of the advance of science, the procedure of industrialization has occurred in India.

Because of this industrialization, the convention of the position of past

has come into neglect.

The rapid improvement of transportation and correspondence are additionally in charge of the breaking down of Caste System to some degree.

The nullification of different social issues which are made by the Caste System in Indian culture is the principal point of the social change development.

Indian Caste System is profoundly influenced by the political development. After freedom, for the nullification of Caste System, the political development was begun in India Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the country, was the principal supporter of this development.

In conclusion, a few endeavors of the Government have profoundly influenced the Caste System. After freedom, the Central Government has found a way to annihilate every single social insidiousness which has been made by the Caste System.

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