Emission of CFC is more than _______ device
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) banks from uses such as air conditioners or foams can be emitted after global production stops. Recent reports of unexpected emissions of CFC-11 raise the need to better quantify releases from these banks, and associated impacts on ozone depletion and climate change.
What devices emit CFCs?
Sources of CFC
a) Refrigerators and air conditioners – Refrigerants are the most common emitter of CFC. If the coolant used in refrigerators, air conditioners, cars, are not properly disposed it will leak CFCs in the atmosphere.
b) Aircraft halon – Aviation industries in some countries are still using fire suppression system with halon.
c) Aerosol sprays – Aerosol cans and propellant liquid use gases containing CFCs. Slowly this industry is using less harmful hydrocarbon. However, CFCs have a life span of 50 to 100 years, still having an impact on the damage done in previous decades.
d) Rogue CFCs – Without any proper dumping method and recycling process, the older and obsolete Refrigerants and aerosol cans are throw in the open environment. CFCs leak from them further contaminating the environment.
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