Home is the place where a child grow up under the care of their family members while surrounded with love and happiness. Home is the place where a child knows that this place is safe for him or her. In other words home is a place where a person’s safety is guaranteed.
Every person should have a place that they can call home. It is the right of every child. Even when a child grows up, they still have a place which they can call their home. The place where a person doesn’t need to hide themselves or be afraid of as there is no other place in this whole world that is as safe as a person’s home.
It is a human being’s nature to find a place that they can call as home where they are most comfortable and safe and happy or in other word where you can feel all kind of positive emotions. Some people consider the arms of a person as their home as at that place they feel the positive emotions.
The feeling of staying away from home is not pleasant. Even when a person stays away from home, deep down that person always want to return home and to its family. Now a day’s people often have to stay away from home for various reasons. It has become a common thing.
However, the person who stays away from home always wants to go back there and this feeling of wanting to go back there always remains with them. Even though people stay away from home, the feeling is not pleasant and most of the times people don’t want to go through this feeling.