English, asked by vinnarasu, 6 months ago






Readd the extrack given below and answer the questions that follow:

Their Logs held tight in death's still hands

Was proof of human sín.

They didnt die from the cold without

They died from the cold within.

a) what did all six of them do at the end? How do you assess thtir

behaviour? (3)

) what is the real reason for their death accoraing to the poet? what does

the poet meaw by that? (s3)

o)what role did prejudice, diserimination, bias, eto. play in this poem?


d) How might the fate of this group have turned out differently?(s)

e) How do the ídeas comweyed in this poem relate to society today? is there

any connectio between the poem and experieoes you have heardl of?

Explain. (4)


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Some are flushed Like the buds that dream

On the tranquil brow of a woodlland stream,

Some are aglow with the bloom that cleaves

To the limpid glory of naw born Leaves. a) Where do the buds dream? Bring out the beauty of the comparison. (3)

b) Mention the figure of speech in the first line of the extract. (3)

o) what is the limpid glory' of the new born Leaves? (3)

d) Mention the colours of bangles the poet suggests in the above extract,

and for whom it is meant? (s)

e) Bring out the rhyme scheme in the above extract. (4)


REnd the extract given below and answer the questíons that follow:

"My father lived at Blenheim then,

You little stream. hard by

They burnt his dwelling to the ground,

And he was forced to f

So with his wife and child he fled,

Nor had he where to rest his head.

a) who is the speaker in the first line of the extract? where is Blenheim?

what happened there? (s)

6) who are they' in the extract? what did they' do and why?(3)

)Whert did kaspar family Live? what emotion does this incident evoke

i you? Is this poem relevant today? fyes, how? (3)

d) How did old Kaspar come to know what he knows about war? (3)

e) Is there anything to show that the poem is written a Long time ngo? (4)


RLad the extract givtn below and answer tht.questions that follow

For oft, when on my couch I lie

Iw vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that iwwardl eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

a) what is the significanoe of the word "For' in the beginning of the

stanza? (s)

b) what is the sudden change that you see in the above extract? How is t

different from fürst line of the poem? (s)

) what do vacant' and pensíve' mean? What does it tell us about the

poet? (s)

d) what is "they' in the extract? what is inward eye and what does it

give him? (3)

c) What is the blíss of solitude according to the poet:? (4)SHORTSTORY=SECTIONE


Read the extract give below and answer the questions that follow:

Noting the other's interest in his speech, Muni felt encouraged to ask, "How

many children have you? with apPpropriate gestures with his hands.

Realizing that a question was being asked, the red man replied, 1 said a

hundred," which encourageol Muni to go into details. "How many of you

childrtn are boys and how many girls? where are they? is your daughter

maried? Is it diffieult to find a son-in-law in your country also?

Iw answer to these questions the red man dashed his hands into his pocket

and brought forth his wallet in order to take immediate advantage of the

bearish trend in the mareet. He flourished a hundrecl rupe curmeney wote

and said, well this is what I meant."

) Muni asked the red man, "How many children do you have? the red

man replied, "t said a hundred". What was ench one talking about?

Explain the humour in this comversatio. (3)

I) Give two examples to show that Muni was curious about the red

man.( (3)

) Looking at the hundred rupees note, how did Muni react? what did

he thinke was the purpose of giving him that money? (s)

V How did Muni describe the village headman? (3)

v)why did the red man show some interest in Muni's goats? Briefiy

desoribe the intentions of Muni for rearing the goats. why

couldnt his plan be carried out? (4)


(20 marks)


Write in about 200 words the Historical Background of the poem "After



Answered by Anonymous


Looks like u have given the whole question paper for us

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