English, asked by Akshit5875, 8 months ago

English Write a short story in150-200 words using given line as the Beginning of the story.
As I entered the lane, I couldn’t see a single soul. It seemed as if the place was deserted.


Answered by Ranveer01


As I entered the lane, I couldn't see a single soul. It seemed as if the place was deserted. Many questions revolved around my mind about this place. "Where has everyone left ?", I shouted.

I resolved to find the mystery.

Three hours ago,

Mr.Arnav Singh called me to his cabin. He is the DIG of Police, Mumbai. Also, he is a talented policemen who is resolved to protect the law and order without harming the civilians. I admired him and adored him as a mentor. Though I joined the duty six months ago, I impressed him with my action. I entered and greeted him. He said that I have to leave for an isolated Jwalapur for investigation. Though he is my mentor, I asked for a reason. Mr.Singh says, " People of Jwalapur has left the place by today's morning. Due to seven cold-blooded murders in a same family and no evidences of their murders, the people has assumed it is done by supernatural powers due to the family's some sin. I know that someone is involved ib this process and it is your duty to find him. You can take some of the officers too." I agreed for his assignment and took a gun with me. I felt that there is no need of other officers as I don't have anyone to interrogate.


I reached the bungalow by 7pm where the murder took place. It seems so grand. Mr.Singh had stated that the bodies were not disposed because of people's high antipathy. The bungalow seems to be a house seen in Hollywood ghost movies. I entered the house and it is very dark. The smell of dead bodies is really brutal. Heavy wind moves the curtains and some noise of ox is heard. I found some note is lying on the dining table. The note seems to be a diary but it doesn't. Its the history of the family. I read the whole book and get to know the sin they committed. While reading the book, many scary noises are made but I know that Barking dogs never bite.

Suddenly, a man came infront of me. He is none other than one of the victims. Two more guys accompanied him are tried to scare me. They came to hold me. All of sudden, I realized that it is computer graphics from the projector as the light fall in my hands. I searched for the culprit over and there. I located him behind the sofa. He wore masks. I drag and beat him. He tried to kill me. He managed to tie me by ropes but I defend myself. I tied his hands and asks the reason for doing the murder. He introduces himself as Akshay. Akshay says, " My mother was a nurse who will help the weak ones even at midnight. Her name is Mary. One day, one of the family member of this house had undergone pregnancy and her baby is stillborn. Furious family members abused her for weeks and killed her brutally by cutting her into seven parts. I was not allowed to mourn as they let my mother to be eaten by their dogs. Many of the people of this village helped them for killing and even they joined without hesitation to abuse my mom. I filed the complaint legally but the officer never took my case. So I revenged them by killing the murderers and it is my plan to send the people out of this place. As I used to gloves and disposed all the weapons, the police couldn't locate me. Now, you arrested me, whatever you can do. Now I am in peace. " I am shocked but more cried. I came to know though many things are improved but poor and middle class people are still decieved and dominated by the powerfuls.

I hand over him to the police. I was even awarded for bringing peace into the city and even got promoted to DIG to Delhi. But my mind can't rest in peace for that poor soul.

Answered by smartbrainz

English Write a short story in150-200 words using given line as the Beginning of the story


As I entered the lane, I couldn’t see a single soul. It seemed as if the place was deserted. It so happened that I had to go out for my tennis practice and I decided to take the short cut. I usually avoid the shortcut since it is overcrowded and the lane is narrow, with people parking their vehicles  outside on the roads,vendors keeping the wares on the sidewalk and jobless people standing and gossiping, and so on. But today I was getting late for my tennis practice, so  I decided to take the short cut to the place where I learn Tennis. But, I was shocked when I reached there. The place was deserted, not a single soul around. The vehicles that were usually kept oustide were not there, nor the vednors' wares, and nor people standing and gossiping. The houses on the either sides of the lane looked as if no one stayed there and it suddelny seemed as though people never lived there for a very long time! I was afraid and began to run and suddenly someone came and stood before me. I was taken aback....I asked who he was. But instead of replying, he was smiling, that too, very sarcastically with a wicked expression. I repeated again, "Who are you?"... He said " Cant you recognise me?". I said "No".  For which he said  "Look carefully at me, I am death".... The reason why this lane is deserted because no one feared me.....they went about their lives - coming out, mingling and breaking protocols....So they suffered. Now none exists". I was not able to understand what that person was saying. I told him I was unable to understand...and then with a loud scary laugh he said " I am CORONA! You too defied orders, you also do not fear me. Now its is your turn!". I screamed and realised what I had done, but it was too late, and I started running, screaming help! help!". Corona was chasing me. I ran faster continuing to scream, when I heard my mother calling me. I was relieved and turned back, when there was a sound "Thud". ..... I had fallen down. No, no.... not on the road, but from my bed...Yes, I was dreaming....!!! Then I realised why I had this dream. Feeling bored being confined to the house, I decided to stealthily go to practice tennis, breaking protocols during lockdown. And God, was showing me the repercussions of doing that through my dreams. I realised my mistake and decided not too do anything wrong and obey and respect the orders for lockdown.

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