English, asked by reetabisht70, 2 months ago

enlist 20 commonly words (Homophones) with meaning​


Answered by rogergood61


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same, but has different spelling or meaning.


20 examples? Hmmm. okay.

1. Hear  (to listen to sound) Here (the place you currently are)

2. Fare (the ticket price)  Fair  (evenhanded & just)

3. Plane  (an aircraft)  Plain (a flat piece of land)

4. Ate (consumed something)  Eight (the number 8)

5. Steel (a metal)  Steal  (to take wrongly)

6. Bark (skin of a tree)  Barque (a type of boat)

7. Flee (run away)   Flea ( a tiny insect)

8. Place (a location)  Plaice (a type of fish)

9. Flaw ( an imperfection)  Floor  (the interior base of a building)

10. We (you and me)   Wee (very small)

11. Wait (stay until something occurs)  Weight (the measurement kilos etc)

12. Seem  (appear to be)   Seam (the line of sewn stitching)

13. Grate  (shred by rubbing)   Great (large or important)

14. Passed (went beyond, like overtaking a car)  Past ( a previous time)

15. Sun (the nearest star)  Son ( a male child)

16. Court ( a judges hearing room)   Caught   (captured)

17. Set (a group of similar items)   Sett ( a badgers home)

18. Tale (a story)  Tail (waggly end of a dog)

19. Suite ( a large hotel room/s)   Sweet  (having sugary sweetness)

20.  To  ( a direction)  Too  ( a greater amount)  Two (the number 2)

Hope this helps.

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