Environmental Sciences, asked by cholymelan315, 4 months ago

Environment degradation is not more a local regional issue but it has become ​ which issue?


Answered by Tashmeela007

Answer:al environmental issues-Some major local environmental issues are given below-1.  Pollution 2.  Waste Disposal 3.  Desertification 4.  Water Scarcity 5.  Endangered Species   1.  PollutionPollution can be defined as an undesirable addition of constituents to water, land, or air which adversely affect human life, species, living conditions and will deteriorate our resources. Pollution  can be classified  mainly into four  categories- air pollution,  water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution. The pollution is occurs at the local and also global level.Air pollution:   Air pollution is refers to any physical, chemical and biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affect the plant, animals, and human drastically. There is a certain percentage of gases present in the atmosphere. Major air pollutants their sources and their impact:§Carbon monoxide (CO): its main source is fuel combination  from engines and vehicles. It reduces the amount of  oxygen, aggravate heart disease, chest pain.§Lead (Pb): it release from metal refineries and other metal industries, waste incinerators. It impacts on our nervous system, result in IQ loss, cardiovascular and renal effects in adult, effects related to anemia. §Nitrogen oxide: it release in environment due to fuel combustion, wood burning. It's mainly impact our lung, lung diseases leading to respiratory symptoms increases susceptibility to respiratory infection.§Sulphur dioxide (SO ): it release due to fuel combustion as well as natural occurrences like volcanoes.   It causes asthma and 2breathing difficulty.Air pollution control:  The  techniques employed  to  reduce  or  eliminate the  emission  into  the  atmosphere  of  substances that  can  harm  the environment or human health. Different types of method use for the air pollution control –Control of particulates- airborne particles can be removed form a polluted airstream by a variety of physical process. Some common types of equipment for collecting fine particulates includes cyclones, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and baghouse filters. Once collected, particulates adhere to each other, forming agglomerates that can readily be removed form equipment and disposed of, usually in landfill.Control of gases- gaseous  criteria  pollutants, as well as volatile  organic compounds (VOCs) and other  gaseous air  toxics,  are controlled by means of three basic techniques: absorption, adsorption and incineration. These techniques can be employed singly or in combination. They are effective  against  the major greenhouse gases as  well. In  addition,  a  fourth technique, known as carbon sequestration, is in development as a mean of controlling carbon dioxide levels. b) Water pollution  Water pollution is the contamination of pollutants in water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater without treatment very often by human activities which leads to harmful effects


Answered by rmb

Environmental degradation is not a local, regional issue anymore, but has now become a global issue as indicated by the following points:

1. Greenhouse gas emissions go up into the atmosphere. This atmosphere is shared by the entire world. The ozone layer that is depleted, affects the entire world.

2. Similarly, whenever there is a rise in global temperature, it causes glaciers to melt, which raises the ocean level across the world.

3. Also, globalisation has made environmental degradation a global issue since it involves collaboration between international companies and also international travel and transport. Wood from one nation is sourced by a company from another country. Similarly, finished goods are transported across international borders, with transportation adding to the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

4. Globalisation has also opened up the world to tourists, who unfortunately litter the place, cause environmental issues and also destroy the ecosystem. The coral reefs can be easily destroyed, thus upsetting the ecosystem of the oceans, which again is not a local problem, but has global consequences.

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