Physics, asked by Rushil2405, 1 year ago

Erosion by Water

Factors & Causes of Soil Erosion

Rainfall Intensity and Runoff: The impact of raindrops will break up the soil and water build-up will create runoff, taking sediment with it.Soil Erodibility: Based on the characteristics of each unique soil, it is more or less susceptible to erosion. Recurring erosion is more typical for soil in areas that have experienced erosion in the past.Slope Gradient and Length: The steeper the slope, the greater amount of soil can be lost. As the soil erodes downward, it increases the slope degree, which in turn, creates further erosion.Vegetation: Vegetative cover of plants or crop residues protect the soil from raindrop impact and splash. The less vegetation cover, the more erosion can occur.

Effects of Soil Erosion

The loss of natural nutrients and possible fertilizers directly affect crop emergence, growth, and yield. Seeds can be disturbed or removed and pesticides can be carried off. The soil quality, structure, stability, and texture are also affected, which in turn affect the holding capacity of the soil.

What is not often seen are the "off-site" effects. Eroded soil can inhibit the growth of seeds, bury seedlings, contribute to road damage, and even contaminate water sources and recreational areas


Answered by Anonymous

Soil Erosion➫ The removal of top layer of the soil by the action of wind & rainfall is called soil erosion.

♦ This is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms.

❱ This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents like:-

♦ Water
♦ Ice
♦ Snow
♦ Air
♦ Plants
♦ Animals
♦ Humans

➧ Types of Erosion are:-

[1] Splash Erosion:-

❱ The first stage in the Erosion process.
Splash Erosion results from the bombardment of the soil surface by rain drops.

[2] Sheet Erosion:-

❱ The uniform removal of soil in thin layers by the forces of raindrops & overland flow.

[3] Rill Erosion:-

❱ The removal of soil by concentrated water running through little streamlet.

[4] Gully Erosion:-

❱ The removal of soil along drainage lines by surface water runoff.

➧ Causes 0f Soil Erosion are:-

❱ Water

❱ Winds

❱ Glacier

❱ 0ver Grazing

❱ Human Activities

➧ Factors that cause Soil Erosion are:-

❱ Rainfall

❱ Topography

❱ 0vergrazing

❱ Deforestation

❱ Human Activities

❱ Presence of 0rganic Materials in Soil

➧ Measures to Prevent Soil Erosion are:-

❱ Strip Farming

❱ Soil Rotation

❱ Soil Stabilisation

❱ Terrace Farming

❱ Vegetation Cover

❱ Controlled 0ver-Grazing

➧ Effects 0f Soil Erosion are:-

❱ Landslides

❱ Flash Floods

❱ Desertification

❱ Loss of soil fertility

❱ Silting of Rivers & Lakes

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