essay 150-200 words about a bad protest something unexpected happend a hug thing that is bad grade 7 please be fast
I had a 5th grade English teacher who was a really beautiful. She was one of those kind of women who in high school enjoyed bullying the ugly and fat kids—except she did it now as a teacher. She even admitted she was stuck up, played favorites.
A major part of our grade for English was to give a 10 minute presentation on any topic except homosexuality and abortion. I gave mine on whether Dungeons and Dragons causes suicides (this was during the 80’s of the Satanic Panic). I had no grammar issues with my paper, my topic was very engaging in the Q&A, but she gave me a B- with no comments. However, this girl who gave her racist rant on Vietnamese in the Vietnam War got an A+. I mean it was seriously racist.
It was the first of several assignments in which I received poor marks and ultimately I got an F for the first semester. The second semester, I did better. I got a D.
its not truth fact