Essay about an amazing person
Extract of sample "What an Amazing Person"
He was chubby, middle-aged; and he was wearing a green jacket and dirty pants. What I couldn't stand most was the stink of beer emanating from his mouth, as well as from the opened jar that he was holding. Although consuming beer in public places is illegal, he was in no condition to care about such things. He was so drunk that he couldn’t control his steps when he boarded the light rail. I felt unfortunate, when, of all the empty seats he could have chosen, he chose the one next to me. Having been brought into proximity this way, he immediately started talking to me. I felt awkward and embarrassed about the situation, especially with other passengers glancing at us curiously.
I soon realized that I have no option but to put up with him. He talked about his life and said “I was a millionaire, but I lost everything now, including my house. He continued “but I will never give up until I get all that is mine.” I was surprised by his clarity of thought even in such an inebriated state. But at the same time, I did not take all his words for facts. He talked about how his chronic illness led to one surgery after another until he lost all of his wealth. He spoke very emotionally about how he will fight on in life despite presently being in an unfortunate condition.
Seeing that I was skeptical about his story, he prompted me to ask him questions. He told me that he would answer any question I ask. Just to divert focus from his difficult personal life, I started talking about different countries. Qatar came into the discussion as it is my home country. He then amazed me with his knowledge about the country. He listed Qatar's recent foreign policies and how it has improved in the last 15 years. He also mentioned Sheik Hamad, the president of Qatar; and Hamad Bin Jassim, the minister of foreign affairs of Qatar and how great were they in the political world