English, asked by Manthakar, 1 year ago

Essay about "Dear Bapu you are immortal" with quotes


Answered by RonakMangal


Wisdom is one of the highest forms of human characteristics. Through wisdom, virtues can be brought to life. The beauty of wisdom is that it is not dependent on the theories that are written in books, or the curriculum in the schools and colleges. It is not something that can be transferred just by talking about it. Wisdom is how life shapes us. It is about the impacts that we have upon our soul while going through all sorts of pleasant and unpleasant experiences of life.

Various Versions But One

Many philosophers, religious institutions, and educationalists have defined wisdom in their own definite ways. Some try to relate it to the right way of living, some say that wisdom is acknowledging and being answerable to God for all the deeds. It has also been known to associate with decision-making between right and wrong, habits like speaking truth, following the moral values.

Intelligence is Not Always Wisdom

Although, on a more spiritual note, or a generic note, as we may say, wisdom is not confined to some rules or paths. A collection of experiences and virtues shape our wisdom. One may have a wide range and depth of knowledge but that doesn’t necessarily make her/him wise.


There are so many beautiful illustrations reflecting light on the uniqueness and significance of wisdom. It is very simple and possible for almost anybody to learn to fire a gun. But not everybody is capable of making the right decision about when to and when not to fire the gun. This decision-making requires wisdom.

The Importance of Wisdom

But why so much fuss about wisdom? How does it make our life different or change it? Well, wisdom takes us above the loop of feelings, emotions, and the whirlpools of envy, restlessness, and anger. It brings peace to the heart and to the mind as well. It is only through wisdom, that one may realize that forgiving others bad deeds, ignoring their faults, and being kind and accepting to all is the highest and truest virtues of all human beings.

Wisdom is the germination of the seeds of empathy, compassion, and kindness. It is the eruption of unconditional love toward every soul, whether human beings, animals, or trees. Wisdom gives us the ability to see the beauty and real power of nature. In true words, this is the real way of being close to God.

It is only through wisdom that one understands and realizes that religions, rules of worshipping, and confining God to being a particular person or version are nothing but just a human way of interpretation of the power of nature. To a wise person, they look mere concepts to him and he/she is able to go beyond these things. The definition of God, the right path, the understanding of the whole universe changes to him. Wisdom gets us out of the chains of the societal norms and allows us to look past them. It shows us the real purpose of life and gifts us with the power to attain and live with that true purpose.

Answered by SelieVisa


Bhulabai Desai Road, Mumbai

Dated 24th November, 2019

Dear Bapu,

This letter is written with much love and affection from the depth of my heart. Bapu, I am writing this letter to you to express my gratitude to you for inspiring me and to express my appreciation to you for everything you have done for our country. You are indeed a the great soul and rightfully the Father of the Nation. Your philosophy of truth and non-violence that paved the way for the freedom from the British rule.

Your birth anniversary, Gandhi Jayanti, is celebrated on October 2 as a national event across India. This day is observed across the entire world as the International Day of Non-violence.

Dear Bapu, your Salt March from the month of March to April 1930 in India, was an act of civil disobedience to protest the British rule in India. It was one of the first major demonstrations of nonviolent resistance to the British colonial rule led by you. Your Non-cooperation Movement against the British proved to be a powerful weapon. By this the Indian independence movement gained more followers. The zeal for independence increased in momentum.

Your non-violence and satyagraha policy lead India to achieve Independence without shedding a drop of blood. India achieved freedom in August, 1947. Your philosophy of non-voilence is admired across the world. It has been adopted by many civil and political groups to stage protest against injustice and powerful corrupt leaders.

You believed that all human beings are God’s special people and must be treated equally irrespective of their caste, color, language, creed, region, and religion.

Dear Babu, you are immortal. You will always live in our hearts. Your memory will always be cherished. You will always be remembered for your selfless love for the country and her citizens, your humility, your truth and non-violence, and for your tireless efforts to remove discrimination from every corner of our Motherland. Generations after generations will come. They will all wonder that someone like you once walked on this Earth to overcome wars with non-violence.

Dear Bapu, today India is a sovereign nation. She is one of the greatest countries in the world. We are a free people living in a free country of equality, liberty and dignity. We are no longer ashamed to be Indians and we declare to the entire world that we are proud to Indians. We owe you for what we have become today as a nation and as a people.

Your life, your sacrifice and your noble principles have inspired me and also changed my way of thinking. I will always try to follow your footsteps.

Yours affectionately,


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