English, asked by charanaravvind6495, 9 months ago

Essay about hobby of reading


Answered by anirudkaithayil


We live in the world today where it is mandatory to work hard in this fierce competition to achieve the desired goals. In the pursuit of achieving those goals, the human mind becomes dull and rusted. He feels intense stress and suffocation.

Therefore, he needs the release of suffocation by mean of his favorite activity in the name of the hobby. In this way, reading quality books is the best hobby that keeps your mind relaxed and focused. As it is said:

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

Though book reading culture is on the verge of decline. In these days of rapid technology and fast growth, human lives are getting quite easier. The world is no more the same that it used to be a few decades before. Everything has become changed. Our interests, hobbies, and goals are also changed.

The introduction of tablets, smartphones, etc has badly impacted our habits. Apart from other impacts, the culture of book reading is dying fast. Though it is regrettable fact yet there are positive vibes that knowledge and information are spreading fast. Book reading still occupies a prominent place.

Reading quality books is the best ever hobby one may have. Books are the best friends. There are countless benefits of reading quality books as your hobby. Though we are made to read many books in our academic career, they can never take place, of your hobby. A book reading hobby is characterized by your intense interest in reading the quality books of different genres.

As stated earlier, there are multiple benefits to reading quality books. Reading sharpens your mind and increases your level of understanding of different things in your life.

Books contain a wealth of knowledge and information. They accumulate the experience and observations decades within them. They help enrich your mind with that knowledge, experience, and understanding. As it is said:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Reading books help to relieve your stress and uncertainty. They give much-needed relief and relaxation to your mind. It is not only a form of entertainment or a hobby to keep you pleased. It is, in other words, an elixir for your mind that naturally needs extensive reading to grow and improve.

It is a well-researched fact that good books readers can never experience mental stress and depression. Books reading keeps him engaged and entertained. They bring a different world of more knowledge and refined look for him.

They encourage the readers to share the committed lessons from history. True is that the world today has been so different and developed without the help of knowledge whose custodians are these books.

I am extremely thankful for my books reading hobby that has given so much in this world. This one is the best ever recommended hobby one should have. Books have made me so informed and advanced in the knowledge that I am held in high esteem by my colleagues and my family.

The stories of successful people today bring us the fact that books are behind the success of those minds. As it is said;

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” – Margaret Fuller


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