English, asked by zarin6187, 1 year ago

essay about money problems


Answered by meena52

In the first place, money has taken a great place in the society alll ove the word. It has become a neccesity fo many people to survive in this word and I don`t refer to the necessity of eating or buying clothes, I refer to the necessity of being accept in our society, because many people only accept other person for the money that have each person. As a result, many people pretend to seem "rich" for can be accept for the society.

Other problem for the money is that people don`t have a job. However, for other people having money measn the possibility of beging able to eat, they don`t think about clothes, cars, they only about eatong, wearing or simply about surving in the world. These problems have generated lack of jobs or illiteray in different places of the world, it dependes on some cases, this problem makes many people go to the USA or another place where can exist more opportunities for increasing or improving their life.

Some solutions for this problem can be differents. Goverment can be one , because he can pay attention in this case, and thus way many people don`t have to leave their live place.Other solution can be the people can give jobs to person with discapacities for they can improve their life.

In this worldexist many probles that sometimes people don`t see, but they can have in each corner of their house. In this case the only person that ca help is the goverment and some case the society . Money has become a big problem for the general society. So what do you prefer continuing with this problem or working together for being able to over come it?


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