English, asked by immiller, 1 year ago

essay about:small steps of fuel conservation can make a big change(word limit:700)


Answered by DiyaDebeshee

All our energy resources are not as useful and versatile as petroleum and fuel.  The vast reservoirs are hidden, deep beneath the earth, fuel is considered the main source of energy in the whole world. When you think of "oil", then you probably think of something that is cooking. It is used and there is something that the machinery is working. But the oil is so much. In its basic form, fuel or petroleum is a dark black liquid, which is pumped from the Earth in the form of petroleum and petrol etc. are used to refine or isolate them. And crude material in the chemical business. Each of these types of oil has countless uses on our roads in our farms and in our factories.Oil, like all natural resources, can only occur in some places. North America, U.S.SR, North America and Saudi Arabia are some of the places where oil(fuel and petroleum) are occurring.


 almost 73% of our oil requirement is imported at a very high cost.And with oil becoming more and more difficult to discover all over the world, it is not only very expensive for our country to buy it but is also risky as far as arranging its supplies is concerned.


When we stop the car, we can stop the engine. We should avoid using sharp tilt and "L" type joints in the pipe. The cost of running and running pedals is not a drop of gasoline.

We can avoid fuel:

1. Do not Buy Premium Fuel

2. Make Drivers aware of energy

3. Hope of Traffic Flow


Therefore, we should not waste our natural resources, instead, we should try to preserve it.Our goal should be to reduce logical fuel use every year.we should always reuse, recycle and reduce our natural resources.


can u imagine what will happens to the cars, scooters, tractors, generators and trucks etc if we had no oil??

the world has been using up a lot of oil over the years.

Nation's energy security is at risk!!

will the day come there is no more oil under the earth?

that day probably may not be far away.therefore, what we can do now when we still have this precious thing, is to use it as carefully as we can.

rockstarPJ: nice
DiyaDebeshee: OO TNX
rockstarPJ: hmm
Answered by shetriyas
Blue skies and green grass, we cannot have as long as we use excess of gas. The aftermath and fallout of the excessive use of fossil fuels has adversely affected man. Our environment is like a gigantic balloon of transparent substance in which we have our being. When this balloon was created it was filled with pure wholesome gases. However, the black and poisonous smoke from the burning of fossil fuels has damaged this beautiful balloon to such an extent that reclaiming it to its pristine purity and beauty is impossibility. Man, the foolish creature, fails to see that his very existence depends on this balloon. Man's perception about the indispensability of the environment must change, otherwise the balloon will burst and his own existence will end with it. It is a known fact that carbon dioxide, gas released when fossil fuels are burnt, is one of the primary gas responsible for global warming. Rise in temperature of earth has resulted in melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low lying areas and rise in sea levels. If such conditions continue, our planet Earth might face some serious consequences in near future.  Besides damaging the environment, air pollution can result in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD and lung cancer. Long-term exposure may increase respiratory infections in general population. Children and the elderly are most vulnerable to fine particulate matter and other airborne toxins. Conservation of fuel is not only the urgent need of the current times. This colossal task can be accomplished by participation of all the people. Sagacious and frugal use of fossil fuels is the direst need of the hour. The present rate at which the fossil fuels are being used is quite alarming. There won't be left anything for the coming generations. Now the question arises; "Are we to leave a planet totally devoid of fossil fuels to the coming generations?" We will be called highly selfish generation, if we don't leave fuels for the future generations. We need to put our acts together. We must follow the principles of sustainable development. After all it is our responsibility to bequeath a healthy and prosperous planet. Being parents and elders it is our moral responsibility. Let's take care of our planet and use the fossil fuels wisely and frugally! If each one of us uses fossil fuels sagaciously along with using renewable fuels, we can do much in saving our environment as well as future for the coming generations.
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