English, asked by selvijp, 1 year ago

Essay come out of the well to the ocean speech


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                  Come out of the well to the ocean


It is absolutely true we live in the narrow well of circumstances created by our false ego. Living in the comfort zone of this narrow well appears to be safe and convenient. However, if you really intend and aspire to accomplish something worthwhile in life or develop a skill upto a level of expertise, you will have to come out of this well. As soon as you come out of it, you will realize there is an ocean of opportunities waiting for you out of it.

You will realize there is a series of steps leading to infinite higher levels. For example if you are an excellent player in your colony admired for your playing skills, you will realize that there are far better players like you at the city, state, zonal, national, and international levels. In the limited colony you were in a well; outside you are in the ocean.

All great men achieved greatness by coming out of the well of their comfort zone. In the ocean of life they found innumerable opportunities that they made best use of. Lincoln, Einstein, Gandhi, Louis Pasteur, Helen Keller, Charlie Chaplin, and all the legends in various fields, they achieved unparalleled success, name and fame only by coming out of the well of their narrow world.

So, if you too intend to be great, come out of your world and live in the ocean. 



Answered by Anonymous

Come out of well

According to me,this is a very interesting topic to be discussed here.

We all dream about being successful one day.But very few. people actually become successful.This is because very few people actually put efforts To achieve their dreams.

To become successful we need to follow a strict time table and work.We need to come out of our comfort zone and work hard.

When we work hard then we meet so many people who are working hard and here we get competition.When we work more hard then we can reach where we want to reach in life.

Only then we realise the meaning of reaching the ocean.It is correctly said that We need to come out of the well to reach the ocean.

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