English, asked by dsna2011, 1 year ago

essay for swach bharat swachvidhalya


Answered by lfstone3
Schools may participate in the Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan by taking up a programme for cleanliness during this period. The students, teachers, parents, along-with School Management Committees would be encouraged to participate in this programme. The schools may take up, interalia , the following activities during this period: Talk by a few children on different aspects of cleanliness in the School Assembly every day, especially with regard to sayings and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, on cleanliness and hygine
Answered by esiddhanth
Schools may participate in the Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan by taking up a programme for cleanliness during this period. The students, teachers, parents, along-with School Management Committees would be encouraged to participate in this programme. The schools may take up, interalia , the following activities during this period: Talk by a few children on different aspects of cleanliness in the School Assembly every day, especially with regard to sayings and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, on cleanliness and hygine
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