Essay for women synonymous with power and antonymous no more today.
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Women synonymous with power
There may be a synonym for the word women in our dictionaries. But not for the women personality. I still remember the times when women were introduced as house makers or housewives and spending her entire life taking care of her family. This was considered to be their only way of life.
Gradually people's mindset changed and women started getting an education.
And a stage came when some of them came out on the social, political, sports, etc field to rub shoulder with men folk in these field. In the freedom struggle of India, there were notable names of woman who took active part in the same and reached the top. This was the changing scenario for new womanhood in Indian society.
As of today you will find women in almost every field and distinguish themselves from men. Of course, the success stories of strong women act as a motivation for them and why not? Also, the rising needs of man invented the need for women to work. For the middle-class family, it is a necessity for the woman to step out and work to meet the needs of the family. But now as woman are well educated they prefer a better option than taking up anything.
And this is how women are becoming synonyms with power.
There may be a synonym for the word women in our dictionaries. But not for the women personality. I still remember the times when women were introduced as house makers or housewives and spending her entire life taking care of her family. This was considered to be their only way of life.
Gradually people's mindset changed and women started getting an education.
And a stage came when some of them came out on the social, political, sports, etc field to rub shoulder with men folk in these field. In the freedom struggle of India, there were notable names of woman who took active part in the same and reached the top. This was the changing scenario for new womanhood in Indian society.
As of today you will find women in almost every field and distinguish themselves from men. Of course, the success stories of strong women act as a motivation for them and why not? Also, the rising needs of man invented the need for women to work. For the middle-class family, it is a necessity for the woman to step out and work to meet the needs of the family. But now as woman are well educated they prefer a better option than taking up anything.
And this is how women are becoming synonyms with power.
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