essay on access to internet is a boon for students
I strongly agree that access to internet is a boon for us students. In this era of academic competition, often text books are not enough for supporting the students so internet is a great help. Also internet is a unflatteringly brilliant help during co -curricular assignments and projects. In fact you yourself have been able to post this question here and will now be getting the answer only because of internet.
Really being a student myself, I know very well hw the net comes to rescue at the most difficult of times, be it an immediate project to be submitted the next day or even a quiz show or maybe a debate in school for which you need to prepare. The net is always at your disposal.
In fact now a days, with a huge number of online tests, students can even afford to give tests and exams from distance. Many a times these online tests help a lot for preparations.
Besides today there are also a large number of online tution classes. Undoubtedly these too are very helpful for studies.
A common myth runs today that - " Its impossible to study without google ". And we all know its cent per cent true!
Nowadays, we are being surrounded by different enhancement in our environment and daily living. We are already in the 21st century in which all that we need is accessible and easy to use which is why we are being dependent. We already experienced the advancement of technology wherein it helps us to make our daily living easy to deal with. Talking about technology enhancement, let’s have this as our focus: internet access. Internet is very important today because most of the transactions can be found and accessed through internet. It is important in the sense that we can easily get relevant information needed in our works. It is important especially to those students. With its help, it will help them to get things done.
In our generation today, with the involvement of technology specifically the internet; it should be limited in access to students. It should be and will always be limited especially those prohibited sites which are not suitable for young children or students because it might affect how they interpret our society. Internet access should have limited access to students because there are some contents and sites in the internet which exposed pornography contents wherein it might affect their development especially how they think. It will actually lead them to do negative activities which can cause negativity to the society. They should have only access to relevant information which will help their needs in school.