English, asked by shravan5594, 1 year ago

Essay on avoid plastic plz.....


Answered by Thimmesh52644




Plastic pollution, caused due to plastic waste, has reached alarming heights and is increasing rapidly with every passing day. It has become a cause of global concern as it is destroying our beautiful planet and having negative repercussions on all kinds of living beings.

Ways to Beat Plastic Pollution

Here are two simple ways to lower plastic pollution that we can practice in our daily life:

Avoid Usage/ Look for Alternatives

The first and the most important step towards beating plastic pollution is to avoid the usage of plastic products.

Now, since we have grown quite accustomed to using plastic products and these are light on our pocket, we cannot avoid their usage completely. However, we can certainly avoid using those plastic products that can easily be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives. For instance, instead of using plastic bags, we can easily opt for a jute, cloth or paper bag when we head for shopping.  Likewise, instead of using disposable plastic cutlery and utensils during parties we can use those made of steel, paper, thermocol or any other material which is reusable or easy to dispose.




If you cannot avoid using plastic bags or other products for some reason then it is suggested to at least reuse them as many times as you can before disposing them off. We are in a habit of throwing the plastic bags and containers we get with packed food almost immediately after use even though these can be used a couple of times before disposing off. We should reuse these instead. This can be our contribution towards reducing the plastic waste and bringing down plastic pollution.


It is time for us to stand united to fight this evil called plastic pollution. If each one of us follows the ways to beat plastic pollution shared here then we can certainly bring down the pollution level to a large extent.




Plastic pollution has become a major threat to our environment in today’s times and it is likely to make things worse in the times to come. There are many reasons that lead to this type of pollution. The adverse effects of plastic pollution are also plenty.

Causes of Plastic Pollution

Economical and Easy to Use

Plastic is one of the most widely used substances when it comes to production of containers, bags, furniture and various other things. This is because it is economical and can easily be moulded into different forms. The increasing use of plastic goods has increased the plastic waste which is a cause of plastic pollution.


Plastic waste which is increasing by the day is non-biodegradable. Plastic does not get disposed of in soil or water. It remains in the environment for hundreds of years and adds to the land, water and air pollution.

Plastic Breaks but Doesn’t Dissolve

Plastic bags and other items made from plastic break into tiny particles that make their way into the soil or enter the water bodies thereby contributing to plastic pollution.

Effects of Plastic Pollution

Here is how plastic pollution is effecting our environment and life on earth:

Pollutes Water

Plastic waste is entering the water bodies such as rivers, seas and even oceans and is polluting our water drastically. This water is then supplied at our places. No matter how much we filter this water it can never get back to its pure form and thus has negative repercussions on our health.

Pollutes Land

Large amount of plastic waste is dumped in landfills. Wind carries plastic bags and other small plastic particles from one place to another thereby effecting major area. Plastic particles release harmful chemicals that deposit in the soil and ruin its quality. It impacts the growth of the plants. Besides, waste lying on the land breeds mosquitoes and other insects that are carriers of various serious illnesses.

Harms Marine Life

Plastic bags and other plastic litter that goes into rivers and seas are mistaken as food by the marine creatures who often gulp them and eventually fall sick.

Harms Animals

Animals mostly feed on food thrown in the garbage. They eat plastic bags and other items along with other things. Plastic bags often get stuck in their intestines and choke them to death. They are also a cause of many serious illnesses.


Plastic pollution is a cause of serious concern. It is increasing because of the negligence of humans. It is time we must take strict measures to fight it.

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