English, asked by fashionofpalika321, 1 year ago

Essay on Be the best version of you in word limit of 100 words.


Answered by rekhay934

Related Post: Myself Essay for Kids, Class 1 Students

Essay No: 1

Long Essay on Myself

Among all the creatures on Earth, human being is definitely superior. Writing a few lines or words about myself to introduce, I feel myself to be tiny part of this entire world that is filled with the human beings around.

I am a human. I myself am humble, kind, caring and courageous. I am most respected, loved and responsible human being. Though, it is quite hard to write about yourself yet I have tried myself best to express all about myself

Answered by Anonymous


Becoming the best version of yourself means that you’re going to move away from where you are, so you must be willing to shred your old self. When you’re raising your own bar, you’re essentially creating a gap between you and people around you. Your old self is going to resist that — don’t let the resistance get its way.Let go of certainty and embrace uncertainty instead. Nothing is certain, after all. The earlier you realize this, the more you can improve.

I think its much .



20thanks = INbOX..

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