English, asked by snowwhite2, 1 year ago

essay on bhagat singh


Answered by Anonymous
Bhagat Singh was born in a Sikh family of farmers in the village of Banga of Layalpurdistrict of Punjab (now in Pakistan) on September 27th of 1907. His family stood for patriotism, reform, and freedom of the country. His grandfather Arjun Singh was drawn to Arya Samaj, a reformist movement of Hinduism, and took keen interest in proceedings of the Indian National Congress. Bhagat Singh’s father Kishen Singh and uncle Ajit Singh were members of Gadar Party founded in the U.S. in early years of the 20th century to rout British rule in India. Both were jailed for alleged anti-British activities. Young Bhagat Singh was brought up in a politically charged state of Punjab which was left with a seething memory of the Jalianwala Bagh massacre of more than 400 innocent lives and thousands injured (1919). As a lad of fourteen he went to this spot to collect soil from the park of Jalianwala (bagh) in his lunch box, sanctified by the blood of the innocent and kept it as a memento for life. Bhagat Singh studied at the National College founded by Lala Lajpat Rai, a great revolutionary leader and reformist. To avoid early marriage, he ran away from home and, became a member of the youth organisation Noujawan Bharat Sabha which had memberships of all sects and religions. He met Chandra Shekhar Azaad, B.K. Dutt and other revolutionaries. They used to print handouts and newspapers in secret and spread political awareness in India through Urdu, Punjabi and English. These were all banned activities in India at that time punishable with imprisonment.

In 1928, when Siman commission arrived in India. The prominent leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai; Pandit Madan Mohan Ma aviya etc. decided to protest to the commission in open about their displeasure. Bhagat Singh also participated in the protest and twhaes an eyewitness to the gruesome beating to Lala Lajpat Rai by  police supritendent scot. Bhagat decided to take the revenge from scot Lala Lajpat Rai succumbed to the injuries. y he killed Mr. Sanders, a junior officer, in cae of mistaken identity. He had to flee from Lahore to escape death punishment.

Instead of finding the root cause for discontent of Indians, the British government took to more repressive measures. Under the Defense of India Act, it gave more power to the police to arrest persons to stop processions with suspicious movements and actions. The act brought in the council was defeated by one vote. Even then it was to be passed in the form of an ordinance in the “interest of the public.” No doubt the British were keen to arrest all leaders who opposed its arbitrary actions, and Bhagat Singh who was in hiding all this while, volunteered to throw a bomb in the central assembly where the meeting to pass the ordinance was being held. It was a carefully laid out plot, not to cause death or injury but to draw the attention of the government, that the modes of its suppression could no more be tolerated. It was agreed that Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt would court arrest after throwing the bomb. Accordingly, on April 8, 1929, Bhagat Signh and Barkeswar Dutt threw handouts, and bombed in the corridan not to cause injury and courted arrest after shouting slogans. Inauilad zindabad (Lona Live, Revolutions) Meanwhile the killers of Sanders were identified by the treachery of Bhagat Singh’s friends who became “Approvers.” Bhagat Singh thought the court would be a proper venue to get publicity for the cause of freedom, and did not want to disown the crime. He gave a fiery statement giving reasons for killing which was symbolic of freedom struggle. He wanted to be shot like a soldier, and not die at the gallows. But, his plea was rejected, and he was hanged on the 23rd of March 1931. He was only 23 then. Bhagat Singh became a legendary hero for the masses.

Innumerable songs were composed about him, and the youth, throughout the country made him their idol. He became a symb°1 of bravery and of the struggle to free India.

Hope this helps u and MARK ME BRAINLEST

ASK36: offo cut copy and paste from internet..
ASK36: u fool u r not even an indian but writing about bhagat singh just for points.
ASK36: from wiki
ASK36: shame on u
ASK36: dont have courage to talk with indians.
ASK36: tell bad about indians and came to write about great bhaghat singh.
ASK36: shame on u
ASK36: ididot
ASK36: idiot
Answered by nilesh102

Bhagat Singh also known as Shaheed Bhagat Singh (28 September 1907 – 23 March 1931) was an Indian socialist and a revolutionary. He is considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian Independence Movement.Bhagat Singh was born in Punjab, India (now Pakistan), on September 27, 1907, to a Sikh family deeply involved in political activities. He quit school at thirteen to devote his life to Indian independence. ... Singh was found guilty of killing a British police officer and hanged on March 23, 1931.May 19, 2015

Birth Date: September 27, 1907

Death Date: March 23, 1931

Occupation: Political Activist

Education: Dayanand Anglo Vedic High School And National CollegeBorn on September 27, 1907, to a Sikh family in Punjab, India (now Pakistan), Bhagat Singh was the second son of Kishan Singh and Vidya Vati. The family was steeped in nationalism and involved in movements for independence. At the time of Bhagat's birth, his father was in jail for political agitation.

By the time Bhagat Singh was 13, he was well familiar with this family’s revolutionary activities. His father was a supporter of Mahatma Gandhi, and after Gandhi called for boycotting government-aided institutions, Singh left school and enrolled in the National College at Lahore, where he studied European revolutionary movements. In time, he would become disenchanted with Gandhi’s non-violent crusade, believing that armed conflict was the only way to political freedom.In 1926, Bhagat Singh founded the 'Naujavan Bharat Sabha (Youth Society of India) and joined the Hindustan Republican Association (later known as Hindustan Socialist Republican Association), where he met several prominent revolutionaries. A year later, Singh’s parents planned to have him married, a move he vehemently rejected, and he left school.

By this time, Bhagat Singh had become a person of interest to the police, and in May 1927, he was arrested for allegedly being involved in a bombing the previous October. He was released several weeks later and began to write for various revolutionary newspapers. After receiving reassurances from his parents that they wouldn’t force him to marry, he returned to Lahore.In 1928, the British government held the Simon Commission to discuss autonomy for the Indian people. Several Indian political organizations boycotted the event because the Commission had no Indian representatives. In October, Bhagat Singh’s comrade, Lala Lajpat Rai led a march in protest against the Commission. Police attempted to disburse the large crowd, and during the melee, Rai was injured by the superintendent of police, James A. Scott. Rai died of heart complications two weeks later. The British government denied any wrongdoing.

To avenge his friend’s death, Bhagat Singh and two others plotted to kill the police superintendent, but instead shot and killed police officer John P. Saunders. Singh and his fellow conspirators escaped arrest despite a massive search to apprehend them.In April 1929, Bhagat Singh and an associate bombed the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi to protest implementation of the Public Safety Bill. The bombs they carried allegedly were not intended to kill but to scare (no one was killed, though there were some injuries). The bombers planned to get arrested and stand trial so they could further promote their cause.

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