English, asked by themainfanman62, 1 year ago

Essay on "Can machines replace humans" (500 words) Containing an Intro an argument - For and against your perspective and a brief conclusion.


Answered by Anonymous



Our Order was established in 1882 and twenty-five years later in 1907 already consisted of about 200,000 members. Charles J. Barrett was the State Deputy of the New Jersey jurisdiction of the Knights of Columbus. We read the following from that year: “Within an hour after the close of the State Convention, which had unanimously re-elected him to the office of State Deputy, filled by him during the past year with honor to himself and to the Order, he died of septic pneumonia, and an occasion that was to have been one of joy and merriment, was turned to deepest gloom. He was an inspirational figure, held in high esteem by his brothers. Indeed, they were so moved by him that they published a memorial book of his writings in 1908.KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUSHow dear to our hearts is that wonderful story Which shines through the mists of the fast-fading years, It tells of Columbus, his triumphs and glory, A tale that is written in blood and in tears! How he trav

Answered by Anonymous


Divisibility rule of nine says that if the sum of all the digits is divisible by 9 then the number is also divisible by 9


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