Social Sciences, asked by hemant1986charan, 1 year ago

essay on chandaka forest ​


Answered by ambner

Chandaka Wildlife Division located in Khurda district of Odisha represents the north-eastern limits of Eastern Ghats. This is now an isolated forest, which once formed a part of vast Eastern Ghats forest and Central Indian Elephant range. Within this Division lies Chandaka-Dampara Sanctuary. The sanctuary lies partly within Khurda and partly in Cuttack Districts of Orissa state and in close proximity of the state capital, Bhubaneswar.


Flora is moderately diverse with intimate mixture of evergreen and deciduous elements. The area comes under semi-evergreen forest zone but the interplay of biotic factors has changed the original character of the vegetation. The resultant secondary growth is stunted in nature, which seldom goes beyond 10m in height. Species composition is heterogeneous. Thorny bamboo (Bambusa bambos) occurs pure in valleys and mixed with tree growth on hill slopes. In the overall habitat, Motamotaka (Helictres isora)and Kangada(Xylia xylocarpa)have the heighest relative density followed by Giringa (Pterospermum xylocarpum), Jharberi (Ziziphus mauritiana), Kontei koli (Ziziphus oenoplia), Chunkuli (Ziziphus rugosa) and Anantamool (Hemidesmus indicus). Siali (Bauhinia vahlii), Laha Palas (Butea superba), Bhualu (Cordia obligua) and Chadheigodia (Vitex Peduncularis) has the lowest relative density. In Bharatpur segment of the sanctuary, Ganga tulasi (Hyptis suaveolens), Modaphal (Helictres isora) and Poksunga (Chromolaena odorata) are the species forming the highest density while Bamboo, Muturi (Smilax zeylanica),Bajramuli (Sida rhombifolia) and Bhuin Nimbo (Andrographis paniculata ) are species forming the lowest density.


Elephant is the keystone or flagship species in the forest ecosystem. Hanuman Langur, the macaque, three deer (spotted deer, barking deer, and mouse deer), wild pig, porcupine and hare form other herbivores. Among carnivores Leopard, sloth bear, hyena, wolf, fox, jackal, mongoose (common, small, ruddy). Civets (small, palm), tree shrew and Pangolins are important. The reptilian fauna include Bengal monitor, mud turtle, the Chameleon, Python, Cobra, Russels viper, Bamboo pit viper, Rat snake, Earth Boa etc.

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