English, asked by rishilaugh, 1 year ago

Essay on Clean Fuel Better Life


Answered by manjushasudhind
The atmosphere of earth is polluted to the maximum as man advanced in science. Almost all of his vehicles and machines are run with fossil fuels, which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This forms a dangerous shroud over earth trapping heat of the sun within the earth's atmosphere, increasing the temperature of the earth. This phenomenon is termed as 'Global warming'.

This increased warmth in earth's atmosphere affects the life on earth adversely. Many animal and plant species are on the verge of extinction. This disturbs the perfect balance of the food chain. The global warming causes the icecaps on the mountains melt, thus causing lightning floods resulting in the devastation of human as well as animal existence on the planet.

The ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere has also developed holes letting in the harmful rays of the sun to the earth. This causes many skin aberrations, even skin cancer.

All the above said problems caused by the burning of carbon containing fuels force man to search for 'clean' fuels. Decades long research has yielded certain discoveries. Certain fuels are now recognized as 'clean' fuels. Clean fuel means a fuel that produces little or no carbon while fuelling a machine or a vehicle.

Hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, electric, bio-gas, natural gas and propane are some of these alternative fuels that are clean. The production and popularization of some of these fuels are yet to be done. The production of these in large quantities is still a snag that stands in the way of the popularity of these fuels.

Production of hydrogen and storing it are still a problem. Even if ethanol can be produced domestically using corn, sugarcane and other plant matter, it is yet to be made feasible. However, E85, which is a blend of 85%of ethanol and 15% of gasoline, is gaining a speedy acceptance in the US. This is renewable and easy to use. This is called a bio-fuel.

Biodiesel is another clean fuel which can be produced easily from bio-matter like soybeans and other sources like leftover restaurant grease. The advantage of this is that it is biodegradable so it does not pollute atmosphere or land. This can be used alone or blended with petroleum diesel. Both ways it is non-toxic.

Propane is already a popular fuel in the form of LPG gas. This is a bi-product of crude oil refining. Using propane as a transport fuel has started, but yet to gain momentum as it needs certain alteration in the vehicle engine.

Electricity is yet another fuel which is clean. It is gaining popularity as a transport fuel at a fast pace. The hydro-electric plants, wind turbines and solar panels are all used to produce and store electricity for further use.

All these clean fuels will make life on earth less hazardous. As they will not pose any health or environmental problems, it is worthwhile for the governments and new generation scientists to engage themselves in protracted research programmes in order to replace the present polluting fuels with these clean fuels.

kvnmurty: well written.
Maheen123: Good
Answered by kvnmurty

      We live in a modern world which is ruled by fuels and energy.  There is very little we do without them.  Since the 19th century we have been extensively using the carbon based fossil fuels.  They are coal, petroleum derived oils, wood and natural gas.  The rapid growth in industrialization, selfishness, drive for profits and ignoring future troubles have all resulted in energy generation and utilization processes that generate pollution and deteriorate our environment.


     Burning of fossil fuels results in emissions of Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrous Oxide, Fluorocarbons, smoke particles and hot gases.  A petrol vehicle emits 2okg of Carbon dioxide in a run of 100 km.  The result is global warming of Earth’s atmosphere increasing climatic temperatures.  Icebergs at the poles and snow caps on mountain peaks are melting gradually resulting in increase of sea levels.  Lands near oceans are gradually getting submerged in water.  Thermal power is a major source of electricity in the world, but is the most harmful too.


     Greenhouse gases rising to stratosphere are destroying the Ozone layer which saves all of us from skin burns and cancer due to harmful UV rays.  People are suffocating from air pollution and suffering from respiratory diseases like TB.  Further there are adverse effects on rains too.  Governments and people are spending a lot of money on health and cure.  The food-chain and biodiversity in the ecosystem are affected too.  The life that used to be calm and filled with fresh air is filled with noise, stink and smoke.  The fast and uncontrolled developments with no caring for welfare of future generations has made the life of rich better and the life of common man worse.


     Let us look at the brighter side.  Hydropower, Geothermal power, Wind power, Tidal wave power, Biomass and solar power are some alternate sources of clean energy.  Natural gas (Butane and Propane) is cleaner than the other fossil fuels.  CNG is being increasingly used nowadays for transport vehicles.  But in India lack of sufficient filling stations hampers its growth.  Everyone knows about LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), a byproduct from refinement of petroleum, is cleaner than petrol and diesel.


     Biomass is the matter from living or dead organisms.  Leftovers in restaurants or organic waste from kitchens are burnt by combustion to produce energy.  Biomass is also fermented using various biochemical processes to produce biofuel like biodiesel.  Biofuel and Biomass energy have additional benefits that Waste management problem is solved and money and energy are generated.  Ethanol is cleaner than diesel and that's why widely used in North America in the form of E85.


   Geothermal energy is sustainable heat in hot water springs and natural geysers.  It is eco-friendly, cost effective and reliable.  Atomic energy is also classified as clean energy and is in wide use in advanced countries.  Research is on for better technologies using Thorium reactor resulting in less nuclear waste.  Wind power is being harnessed globally and there is a lot of potential wind power in India.


    Tidal wave power is not easy to harness.  However, advanced countries have succeeded in making a good use of it.  Hydroelectric power is very clean too.  And, we will be better off by making use of still untapped potential.


     Solar energy is derived from Solar radiation.  It is clean and renewable.  Solar energy available in India can take care of all our energy needs.  We need to give more emphasis and adapt long lasting technologies to tap solar energy.  Appliances, internal heating, lighting and vehicles make use of it.  I wish for the day when cars, trains and airplanes, partially if not fully, run on solar energy.


     As it is happening now, traditional ways are still dominating and increasingly being used.  Had the inventors in 18th & 19th centuries used these alternate sources instead of oil, we would now be living in a dream world.  Alas, how much I wish there were miniature atomic power devices that could be used in all machines.  We need to urgently reduce the use of fossil fuels and focus entirely on clean fuels.  Then there is no need to search for alternate planets or space stations to live in.  Use of alternate energies will reduce dependency on foreign imports and save money too.


    It is the duty of industrialists and governments to go for cleaner fuels to give their clients, the people a better life in a better world that has cleaner air, less noise and less Sun burns.  The democratic forces wanting the welfare of people must see to that. 


    Life is not worth living if not healthy and if not filled with pleasure.  
I pray to all,  Let’s not erase but enhance the Joy of Living!

kvnmurty: the essay was for 700 words or so... so it was long and surely with necessary information...
kvnmurty: thanks for selecting brainliest
Maheen123: Very nice
kvnmurty: thank you very much
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