essay on Clean India of my dream
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness drive aimed to cover 4,041 statutory cities and towns all over India in order to clean the streets, roads and other infrastructure. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness campaign run by the government of India and initiated by the Honourable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. It is a most important topic which our kids and students must know and be aware of this mission. It is a general topic which students are generally given in their schools to write or say something on Swachh Bharat or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. We have provided below some simply written essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in order to make your kids gets participated in the essay writing competition. You can select any Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Clean India of my dreams
I have a dream for such a clean India that is as beautiful and clean as Paradise. The truth is India was a paradise; there was not any pollution in water, air, or on land. However, with the advent of industrialization, colonialism, lop-sided development in the post-independence era, and lack of visionary leadership, India became a land of squalor. However, a new dawn of awareness has brought along a transformation in the attitude of people. Indians want to achieve the goals of world-class cleanliness.
India of my dreams is the advanced, developed, and self-reliant India where all her cities are high-tech and smart cities. Each and every city is abundantly green and equipped with auto maintenance system. Where the rivers flow with the same pristine purity that was at the beginning of civilization. Clean India of my dreams is the India, where every Indian is aware of his responsibilities to cleanliness.
Clean India of my dreams is the India, where each and every city has all the latest and advanced waste management plants; where garbage is treated into organic substances that become organically mingled with the earth, not affecting its environment and ecology in the least. The clean India of my dreams is a perfect paradise of natural beauty and environmental purity.