English, asked by Annabelle1056, 1 year ago

Essay on Computer Revolution in India


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                 Computer Revolution in India


The world has been swept over by the tide of computers and IT Revolution. India has been seriously inundated with this tide of technology! The dawn of computer revolution in India started in 1991 with the introduction of liberalization of Indian economy. The Government policies after liberalization led to the spread of this revolution in the country.

In the contemporary times, . Computers have already taken over each and every field. Tell me an area or sphere where computers are not being used! Education, industry, finance, defense, teaching, learning, research, medicine, accounting, entertainment, internet, online teaching, telecommunication, media, and space research and exploration. It is computer, computer everywhere. The modern world will look void without computers. Computers have created such an order in every field. They are so adroitly efficient in data storing and handling. They have man's life much more organized, systematic, simple, colourful, and awesomely efficient.

Computers have become ubiquitous owing to their versatility. What is it not that you can't do with a computer? They are the gods of the modern era! Naturally the field of education has also been influenced positively by use of computers. They have made the learning in classrooms much more convenient, easier, simpler, colouful, fun-filled, and efficient. Expert teachers teach students using smart boards and interactive whiteboards. Computers have enabled both students and teachers process learning data many times faster than was possible in a traditional classroom.

Computers like oxygen are found everywhere now! The Indian Government has launched Progressive Digital India Campaign to take computers use to a new level. All the big names in telecommunications such as, AirTel, Idea, Vodafone, Reliance, TATA, Aircel, etc. have invested hugely to upgrade their infrastructure. 4G is the buzzword among Indians. All these activities are facilitating the life of the Indians as they are availing latest internet facilities at nominal rates. All this is improving the quality of their life. In gist it can be said that this Digital Drive is empowering the people of India.


The government wants to be connected to all its citizens through internet. The main focus is to connect rural India to the urban India by building modern high-speed internet infrastructure, and providing digital literacy in villages. The progressive digital India is quite a positive initiative that will surely help our country to become competitive and efficient.

 As a result of the ‘Digital India’ drive, many pro-people steps have been taken. For example, the central and state governments have initiated e-governance. The ultimate goal of the e-government is to be able to offer easy and faster access of public services to citizens in an efficient and cost effective manner. It provides government transparency by informing the public about what the government is working on as well as the policies they are trying to implement.

With the spread of ICT infrastructure and the boom in mobile telecommunication sector, connecting every citizen to the government’s planning, implementation, and information about the key services and facilities offered by the government is not only easy, but beneficial also. Citizens are directly connected to banks, taxation, electricity, and many other government departments that send regular information about the benefits, changes, facilities regularly on their mobile phones. Distribution of LPG cylinders is an example of it. it is all digital. Similarly, India is going online. More and more people are using more internet facilities. Almost every big or small business is using internet. Many online companies are providing online shopping services. Almost everything is available on internet. And people are availing these facilities with a smile on their face.

In conclusion,  it can be said that Computer Revolution is in full swing in India. Computers are contributing to achieving national developmental goals at a fast pace. Soon the impact of ‘Computer Revolution’ will be felt by the rest of the world.


Annabelle1056: Great answer sir! ^_^
upenderjoshi28: Thanks.....
Answered by monujha1106
Computer is a data processing device which derived from human intelligence. The first ever computer was designed in 1944 by Prof. Aiken and his team in Harvard University, U.S.A. Computer has to perform four functions-

Accept data from users; 

Accept instructions from users; 

Convert data into information: and 

Display the results. 

Although the computer is capable of processing the data, it only processes the data which is supplied to it its user. If one feeds wrong data or wrong instructions, he will get wrong results.

Computer technology has made tremendous progress in the last five decades. Today the world is on the threshold of a computer revolution. Everyday new uses are being found for computers. They are already helping us in different fields such as agriculture, industry, space exploration, scientific research 'machine designs, medical diagnosis, banks, aviation and traffic control etc. Computers are today performing tasks which were beyond man’s imagination about fifty years ago. The 21st century is certainly going to be the computer age.

Computers have some special features which make them extremely useful to man. Speed, accuracy and large storage spaces are few special features of computers. They are designed in such a way that they rarely make errors. Computers accuracy is consistently higher. Errors in the machinery seldom lead to false results. Further these errors are caused because of human beings rather than technological weakness. Computers have some special qualities which make them superior to man in some ways. They never get tired. Besides being an automatic machine, they can do long jobs with little or no help from a human operator. No wonder, computer is the greatest invention of man. Before the industrial revolution, people used to work mainly by hand. With the invention of machines, people started to work in the factories. Today we are facing another revolution as machines used by the people are being replaced by computers. With the help of computers, man has become capable of deeds he had never dreamt off.

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