Essay on discipline in kannada
The word discipline comes from the word disciple. A disciple is learner. Discipline means learning to obey rules. Thus, discipline
training in self-control, orderliness, obedience and co-operation The importance of discipline is felt in all walks of life. At school students will have to learn to obey school rules. For example, if student arrives late to lass, he disturbs others in their work. If he dee not obey the rules of the school, he will learn nothing at school. Ever in games there must be discipline. A football team must obey its capis and the rules of the game.
Similarly, discipline is of utmost importance in the armed forces. The reason why a small police or a military force is able to control a moh of thousands, is because of discipline. The best example of discipline in the army can be illustrated from Tennyson's poem. "The Charge of the Light Brigade." The poem relates how a troop of 600 English soldiers fought the huge Russian army with courage. The soldiers did not question the order, though they knew that someone had made a blunder Moreover, discipline is of utmost importance in our homes. We mus learn to obey our elders and help them in building a healthy domestic life