English, asked by keya8267, 10 months ago

Essay on education is travel within 250 to 300 words.


Answered by curioussoul
travelling recognized to have great educational values. In Western advanced societies, education is considered incomplete without travelling. It has been a delightful experience of mankind from time immemorial. Going place to place and meeting various people have been enjoying for people.

Today, travelling has become all the more enjoying and comfortable. We have fast-moving trains, deluxe buses, metro-railways, luxury steamers, ships, aeroplanes and many other means of travelling. It does not take too much time in travelling a long distance. We do not have to suffer the severity of weather due to advanced means of transport communication.

Travelling is a powerful aid to education. It provides an experience of the world. By travelling we come in connectpeople of different caste, colour, creed and community to getfamiliarity with their tradition, culture, customs, has costumes and their style of living. This helps in the better understanding. It sharpens our intellect and broaden us our outlook. Travelling offers us the first hand knowledge of things we shed off all our prejudices. It develops our person.The communication skills. Mere bookish knowledge to the development of all around personality. It givestheoretical knowledge. We get only the sketchy picture ofwhich is not complete. By travelling we see people, places with our own eyes. Visual impression is this impression. It remains in our mind for a long time. Objects like history, geography and social sciences can better through travelling, it provides us first-hand knowledge about these things. Geography appears to be a dull and uninteresting subject if it is taught in the classroom. But when the Merits are taken to a trip to the Himalayan regions or Gangetic plansthe learning becomes interesting. Travelling turns this boring subject into a lively and absorbing one.

However, qualified a person may be, if he not undertaken travelling, his understanding is limited and outlook remains narrow. He is less accommodating in his comparison to those who have widely travelled. Ivey are liberal in their outlook. They have maturity of judgment.

Traveling promotes international understand the and relations. It creates goodwill. It brings people closer. Increments our relations with various states and countries. The seeds of natural integration and international happy inthe present day, world the understanding between various nations of the world are a great necessity. There can be no peace without international understanding. So, it should be made an integral part of our curricular.

saiharshitha494: Thanks for your answer
lonelyshruti: yeeeeeeeeee
lonelyshruti: hurry
lonelyshruti: kal Sunday hai kal Sunday hai
lonelyshruti: :-(
Answered by ansari8097
HI mate GM here is your answer...,

Travelling plays an important role in our education. The terms ‘travelling’ and ‘education‘ cannot be alienated from each other. Our education remains incomplete without travelling.

“Travelling” means going from one place to other places. In ancient times travelling was very difficult and risky because there were no proper roads and transports. A traveler had to pass hills and forests. He had to face the fury of nature, wild beasts, robbers and many other obstacles.

With triumph of science, travelling has now become easy, cheap, quick and pleasant. Due to invention of steamships railways, electricity, motor cars and airplanes, our journey from one place to and other place even in abroad has become very easy and comfortable.

Travelling is now regarded as an important part of education. Educational Tour increases our knowledge and new thoughts and ideas grow up in us. The education of man remains incomplete if he does not visit important places of the world. Reading of books only provides man with half knowledge. But travelling with eyes wide open and mind fully gives him full knowledge.

I hope it will help you and mark me as a brain list answer plz.

ansari8097: mark me as a brain list answer plz
ansari8097: ^_^
ansari8097: Kk no problem
ansari8097: thnx for it
saiharshitha494: Thanks for your answer
ansari8097: wc
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