English, asked by rcagindiap9s19c, 1 year ago

Essay on election in 250 words


Answered by swamygujjala68p2vykm

Election is the process through which people express their opinion through public voting and elect the candidates to be sent to the public offices. Elections are considered as the base of democracy as it ensures that the government chosen through election is of the people, by the people and for the people. A free and fair election showcases the signs of a healthy democracy in a country. Through election, the citizens of a country express their acceptance or denial for the government’s policies and working.

Election could be conducted for various positions and levels in a country. It could be presidential, parliamentary, for legislative assemblies or council. The elections are conducted and administered by an electoral agency which is an autonomous body entrusted with the responsibility of conducting peaceful and fair election in the country. The complete electoral process is taken care by the agency starting from registering the political parties for the election till the declaration of the election result.

Election gives the authority in the hands of the public and provides them the freedom to elect the government of their choice which will work for their growth and development. It also keeps a check on the working on the incumbent government as they have to appear before the public after the completion of their tenure.

swamygujjala68p2vykm: Mark as brainliest
Answered by xNEVERMINDx

An election is a way people can choose their candidate or their preferences in a representative democracy or other form of government.

Most democratic countries hold new elections for their national legislature every few years. In a Parliamentary system the legislature chooses the leaders of the government. Some democracies elect other national officials (such as a president). Many democratic countries also have regional, provincial or state elections.

There are different ways to organize an election in different countries. Voters might vote for an individual, or they might vote for a political party (party list). This is because different countries use different voting systems.

Countries that are not democracies can also hold elections. This is usually done to let the people choose a local representative (like a mayor). Also many countries call themselves democracies, but behind the scenes have a more autocratic form of government.

Psephology is the study of elections.

Election is very important to keep a democratic country functioning as it gives people the right to select their own government.....

tanishka90: nice ans
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