Essay on empower youth to empower nation including Vivekananda's words
Answer :
India is called the spinal cord of the country. The youth play the main role in making the country. The future of any country becomes beautiful by the youth of the country. Our country is a country of youth, a large part of the population of our country belongs to the youth. Young people are said to be between 15 years and 40 years of age. Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandrashekhar Azad, Khudiram Bose, who played the lead role in liberating the country of India. Apart from this, there were many freedom fighters, who gave their lives to the country. Where the young Indian has reached the country, due to the youth, the country has developed so rapidly. But today's Indian youth has become selfish, she does not think of the progress of the country and thinks only about herself. Indian youth should understand their responsibility.
Now the time has come that the youth of the country will have to understand their responsibility. To become a developing country, he must be interested in all social, economic, political, administrative matters. For a strong nation development, there is a demand for a steely liver, strong will, strength, patience and patience. Swami Vivekananda had said that 'youth is the real power of the nation'. Swami Vivekananda always encouraged the youth of the country, his views still affect the minds of the youth, this is the reason why many people consider Vivekananda as his ideal. To make Modern India, it is very important to pay attention to these 3 things -
- Terrorism
- Corruption
- Communal inequalities
Youth's responsibility
Responsibility towards the country - For the country to change, the youth of the country must love the nation. The country will be able to think about the progress of the country due to love. To show country's love, youth must show an interest in politics. Today the Bagdaur of the country is in the hands of the elderly, some of them are active in youth politics. As a result, the politician is going to get the answer. These old leaders can not take care of themselves properly, how to serve the country. The youth should also become a good citizen of the country in the country, taking responsibility for the country like voting, keeping the country clean, paying tax, not accepting bribe etc should be understood. A good citizen is the one who himself is responsible, and inspires others for it.
Due to the resentment of youth to the politics :
- There are many faces in politics, which are muddying politics. Politicians are greedy, corruption, and doing some work for power, all these habit appear, so that youths are becoming disgusted with politics.
- Young people like to live in other countries away from many evils spread in the country, they understand more opportunities for development in another country.
- The other country gives a chance to the youth of India to stay the same, because foreigners also believe that Indian youth is more industrious.
- If a young man goes to politics, then he is suppressed by the rulers while walking in the true path.
- The media sometimes brings the wrong face of politics to everyone, making the youth understand the politics of the country far away.
- Young voice in the country is always pressed by lack of experience.
- Parents do not want their son to come into politics and spoil their own future, because it is believed that whatever is read, written, or who does not have any interest in studies or work, it comes in politics.
- Mother father is afraid of sending the country to politics by looking at India's politics.
The youth of the country who are fond of politics, they sit away from the scene and see others' mistakes, they are afraid to go and fix them. But it is said that it is very necessary to get rid of mud to clear the mud. Those germs will stain on you too, but they will not be able to leave their mark.
Vivekananda says that Supreme value of early life is immeasurable and beyond description.
Youth is the most valuable part of human life.
The way in which you make use of this period will make a decision the personality of the coming years that recline in front of you.
Your pleasures, achievement, reputation and good name all depend ahead the way in which you like at the present, in the period.
Those who are falling in the age of 15 consitute nearly 40 percent of total population of India.
The population, comprise potentially its most valuable human options