Sociology, asked by golu033, 6 months ago

essay on For atmanirbhar bharat: The indian constitution and democracy are the biggest enablers​


Answered by poojan

Essay on "Aatmanirbhar Bharat : Indian Constitution and Democracy are the biggest enablers"

"M.K. Gandhi’s Swadeshi movement and self-reliance were two sides of the same coin."

Aatmanirbhar Bharat - A self reliant India, was the dream of most of the visionary and veteran freedom achievers of India, including Gandhi. It is still the dream for many. There is a need to make this dream come true, and what else be the big opportunity to implement it, than the time we are living in the global crisis emotionally, economically and socially.

This Mission is mainly based on five pillars namely : Economy, Infrastructure, System, Vibrant Demography, Demand.

It mainly focuses in helping the small scale industries, cottage industries, home industry, MSMEs, as these are the areas in which crores of the people of India find their livelihood in. It is also applicable for farmers and even to the middle class taxpayers.

Constitution : Rights and Duties

India - World's largest democratic, federal and republic country being world's second largest populated one have crores of younger minds to achieve this dream, to serve the country with their startups and inventions. All it needs is a motivation, and this mission is that motivation.

With the liberty we have in this nation, we can create wonders utilizing the basic rights that are included in Part III (Articles 12 to 35) of the Constitution of India which help in enjoying the liberty and to become self-independent.  

The Indian Constitution also formulated duties in Article 51a under Part IVA in the 42nd Amendment which every citizen must perform thriving towards the welfare of a democratic nation.

Constitution - Industry :

Along with it, The Constitution of India set out in their Resolution that emphasised the importance to the economy in securing continuous production, while progressing development of Industries in the country. This helps in implementing the start ups, small scale industries in the country more and more.

8 years have passed since the declaration on industrial policy, while witnessing major positive changes and developments in India. By Article 43, the State shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or cooperative basis in rural areas.

Constitution - MSME :

According to 115th Constitution Amendment Bill, 2011, The Ministry of MSME was promoted with the task of uplifting the micro and small enterprises.

With the objectives of providing the facilities for testing, training for entrepreneurship , Assistance for exports etc., it improves the enhancement of skills, supply chain management, upgradation of technology, the expansion of markets etc.

REGP and the PM’s Rozgar Yojana state-wise and RBI and other banks, centrally, helps in investment loans.

Constitution - Farming :

The Government of India has introduced several Programmes & Schemes for the welfare of agricultural sector. The support is huge as the animal husbandry, agriculture loans, horticulture, market prices, loans & credit, fisheries, sericulture etc. support is given by the Government as per the Article 48 in the Constitution of India : Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry, which states that the State itself shall endeavour to organise agriculture & animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and in preserving and improving the breeds.

How does democracy enter in the scheme of Self reliant India?

"By the people, of the people and for the people." Here comes Voice for local into the action. There are many superb & effective Indian products that are yet to come into the limelight.

'Voice for local' helps in promoting the products made by the people of our Country, reaching the places of the people of the country, that helps in boosting the situation of every individual, All for the people of the country and the world. All the similar yojanas help in making the products get recognition and necessary support.

Best Examples that India can successfully become self-reliant :

"4.5L PPE/day with profit of 4000 crores in 2 months", "Made in India 5G network", "Import embargo on 101 items", "Production of 3 lakh N-95 masks per day"... There are a lot more inspiring stories. Many have turned the crisis time into an opportunity. App developments are blooming. Younger minds have started to embrace the opportunities coming.

Conclusion :

Overall, as per 2018's data, The total value of imports (CIF) for India is US$ 617,946 million. As per May 2020, the major import partners of our country are: China (16%), the US & UAE (6% each).

So, it's time. To give a life to your dreams. We are here to make your products' value reach nooks and corners of the country. Being Self-reliant is just a beautiful and ultimate essence of life. Feel it with your contribution to the nation.

Learn more :

Answered by joeljosh2050




“A son of poor man is standing in front of you today! This is the strength of our democracy”

                                                     - Narendra Modi




                    Features of Democracy

                    Arguments for Democracy

                    Arguments against Democracy


                    Features of Indian Constitution

                    Democracy in other countries

                -   China

                         -   Mexico

                         -   Zimbabwe

                         -   Pakistan

                         -   Other Countries



                     India is the largest  democratic country in the world and Indian democracy is the true democracy not like other countries like China, Mexico, Zimbabwe and so. Indian constitution is longest written constitution in the world.


                 There are two forms of government;

                         ◆ Democratic government

                ◆ Non democratic government

Democracy is form of government in which rulers are elected by the people. Democracy comes from the Greek word “Demokratia”

                  ◆ DEMOS   -  means people

             ◆ KRATIA  -  means rule

Feature of Democracy:

  •   Democracy is based on free and fair elections

  • In a democracy each adult citizen having one vote and each vote has one value

• In a democracy final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people

• It rules within the rights

Arguments for Democracy:

  •   It’s more accountable form of government

  •    It enhances dignity of citizens

  •    It allows to correct its own mistakes

Arguments against democracy:  

• Changing of leaders leads instability

• No scope for morality

• Leads to corruption


                    A constitution is a written document of rules, regulations and by which countries government is run

Features of Indian Constitution:

• Sovereignty

• Secularism

• Democracy

• Republic

Democracy in other countries:


◆ Before contesting elections, candidate needs to get approval from Chinese Communist Party

◆ Government is always formed by Communist Party


◆ From independence to until 2000 every elections are won by Institutional Revolutionary Party, opposition parties never managed to win

◆ PRI used many dirty tricks to win the election

◆ Forced parents to vote for PRI


◆ Robert Mugabe who led the party for independence used many unfair tricks to win elections

◆ Changed constitution many times to increase the president’s power


• In Pervez Musharraf rule, he declared himself as President of country in 2002

• Legal Framework Order - Elected representatives have some power, but final power rest with military officers and General Musharraf


• In Saudi Arabia women don’t have right to vote

• In Estonia, Russian minority faces difficulty to vote

• In Fiji, vote of Indigenous Fiji has more value than Indian Fiji peoples


                  China, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and other countries are not considered as democratic country as there are more non-democratic actions. Indian constitution is one of the greatest constitution in the world which makes India as Prosperous Country. Our constitutions giving many rights to citizens like; Right to live, right to speak, right to go to courts, and so on. Democracy in India is also greatest in world which gives every adult citizen of age 18 or above can vote and each vote has same value. So Indian Democracy and Constitution are the biggest enablers to become Self Reliant India - Aatmanirbhar Bharat

                                 AS STUDENT’S OF OUR NATION

                    WE DREAM!    WE PLAN!    WE IMPLEMENT!

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