English, asked by shrutidogra, 6 months ago

essay on gandagi mukt mera gaon in english for 300 words


Answered by anushkasharma8840


“A small village in the north-eastern Indian state of Meghalaya has become the envy of its neighbours. Large crowds of visitors have been thronging to the village curious to find out why Mawlynnong has earned the reputation for being arguably the cleanest and best educated in India – all its residents can read and write and each house has a toilet”.

Discover India magazine declared Mawlynnong as the cleanest village in Asia in 2003

“About 90km from the state capital Shillong and barely 4km from the Bangladeshi border, Mawlynnong is much loved by its inhabitants who work hard to keep it clean”.

“The streets are all dotted with dustbins made of bamboo. Every piece of litter and almost every leaf that has fallen from a tree is immediately discarded. Plastic is completely banned and all waste disposal is environmentally friendly. Rubbish is thrown into a pit dug in a forest near the village where it is left to turn into compost”.

“The villagers here say that lessons in hygiene start in school so that children can be taught from an early age how to keep their surroundings clean and green”.

“There is a fine imposed by the village council for anybody found to be throwing litter around or cutting trees […] says village headman Thomlin Khongthohrem. Children are taught to collect litter at an early age. “Besides, the council carries out strict inspections of the sanitation facilities in each house”.

Experts attribute the village’s cleanliness an effective local governance system, a matrilineal society which makes women economically more powerful, and the local inhabitants’ respect for nature. Mawlynnong’s reputation for cleanliness has made it a popular destination for tourists. The Meghalaya state government is promoting eco-tourism in the area but the locals, who have a “fierce sense of self-determination”, are resisting this.


Answered by Anonymous


Essay on Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon


Essay on Dirt Free My Village

The name of my village is Gomia. My village is small but an ideal village. My village is now a dirt-free (Gandagi Mukt) village. The people of our village have played a significant contribution in making the village dirt-free (Gandagi Mukt). The people of the village focused more on the cleanliness of the village. The residents of the village mainly did 4 works to make the village dirt-free, which succeeded in making the village dirt-free/Gandagi Mukt. 

This was the main 4 work :- 1. Construction of toilets 2. Making drains 3. Placing dustbins 4. Planting trees.

1. Construction of toilets : As we all know that there was not much awareness about toilets in the village earlier, but under the toilet campaign run by the Government of India, the villagers understood the importance of toilets and all the residents of the village - built a toilet in their homes. Now, no resident of our village has to go out in the open or in the fields etc. to defecate.

2. Making Drains: Everyone built concrete drains in front of their houses, so that the dirty water of any house does not flow or accumulate on the road. Even rain water does not accumulate in one place.

3. Placing dustbins : A dustbin will definitely be found in our village at a distance of 100-200 meters. Now no village person puts his / her garbage on the road or anywhere.

4. Planting trees : The people of the village together, especially the school children of the village have played an important role in planting trees along the road. The people of the village have also planted a tree in front of their house.

The head (Mukhiya) and the MLA of my village are very good, they made their significant contribution to improve the village and also helped the villagers from time to time.

Now there is no dirt in our village. Now there is greenery all around in the entire village, there is pure environment. Due to the ending of the dirt in the village, now no one gets sick in our village quickly. Most of the people of this village are healthy. In this way my village is dirt free (Gandagi Mukt) and a perfect village.

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