Essay on general traffic issues in India
Traffic jam is the condition when vehicles are stopped completely for some time period and have to wait for a long time to move out of the jam. Whereas traffic congestion refers to the condition of transport network that occurs due to increasing use of roads often attributed with slow speed, longer trip time and increased queues of vehicles. People are negatively affected due to traffic jams. Traffic jam and traffic congestion is a major issue mostly in big cities.
Traffic jams and congestion have tremendous impact on the life of people. It is one of the most serious problems in big cities that people have to deal with in their day to day life. This results in a lot of unproductive time. Since most of the people have to deal with it on daily basis they may psychologically get affected to some extent. It also affects work, education and personal life of people.
Disadvantages of Traffic Jams
Let us have a look at some chief disadvantages of traffic jams in detail below:
Unproductive time is the major disadvantage of traffic jam. People simply get stuck up in traffic jams and wait to go for work. People who have to travel long distance for work or the students who have to rush to school or college may get caught up in traffic jams. This impacts their productivity at work place/ school.
The other negative effect of population is the emission of green house gases in the atmosphere leading to the issue of global warming which has negative impact on the health of people and our environment.
The businesses nowadays provide home delivery services. This requires delivery boy to deliver products on time but if the delivery boy is stuck up in traffic jams the delivery will be delayed and this can lead to unsatisfied customers.
The other effect of traffic jams is inability to estimate travel time. Those who regularly travel through the traffic areas have an idea of approximately how long it usually takes to reach their particular destination. But in case, they get stuck in traffic jams more than the usual time, they get late to reach where they need to head.
The breaking and accelerating of the vehicles in traffic jams burns more fuel. More use of fuel costs more to the commuters. And the delay in productivity leads to additional loss.
Road rage is the absurd reaction of commuters that is common due to traffic jams. The constant thought of getting late and the loss due to waste of time annoy people. In such a situation if someone is driving slower and blocking the way of person behind him or if someone is overtaking the other driver, it results in aggressive behavior. People often use abusive language and drive aggressively that can lead to accidents. It is basically the outburst by the frustrated drivers stuck in traffic jams.
Emergency vehicles get stuck up in traffic jams that causes delay in reaching the location where they need to reach urgently. This may lead to serious loss for some people.
Thus, traffic jam is a serious issue in every big city that causes several problems for commuters on day to day basis. It consumes so much of time and energy unnecessarily and is not preferred by anyone. Serious measures need to be taken to control traffic and promote the use of public transport. Development of public transport network at economical rates is essential. Traffic safety rules should be effectively implemented for the safety of the commuters. People should drive more responsibly, use public transport and opt for car pool whenever possible.
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