Social Sciences, asked by khushiiiiii5968, 1 year ago

Essay on girl education key to national development


Answered by ashaq1
Education is central to development and improvement of the nation’s welfare. It empowers people and strengthens nations. It is a powerful “equalizer”, opening doors to all to lift themselves out of poverty. Two of the eight MDGs pertain to education—namely, universal primary completion and gender parity in primary and secondary schooling. Moreover, education—especially girls’ education—has a direct and proven impact on the goals related to child and reproductive health and environmental sustainability. Education also promotes economic growth, national productivity and innovation, and values of democracy and social cohesion.
Investment in girl education benefits the individual, society, and the world as a whole. Broad-based education of good quality is among the most powerful instruments known to reduce poverty and inequality. With proven benefits for personal health, it also strengthens nations’ economic health by laying the foundation for sustained economic growth. For individuals and nations, it is key to creating, applying, and spreading knowledge—and thus to the development of dynamic, globally competitive economies. And it is fundamental for the construction of democratic societies.
The importance of girl child education in a nation’s welfare are:
Reduces inequality:
Education is a great “leveler”, illiteracy being one of the strongest predictors of poverty. Primary education plays a catalytic role for those most likely to be poor, including girls, ethnic minorities, orphans, disabled people, and rural families. By enabling larger numbers to share in the growth process, education can be the powerful tide that lifts all boats.
Increases productivity and earnings:
Research has established that every year of schooling increases individual wages for both men and women by a worldwide average of about 10 percent. In poor countries, the gains are even greater.

Drives economic competitiveness:
An educated and skilled workforce is one of the pillars of the knowledge-based economy. Increasingly, comparative advantages among nations come less from natural resources or cheap labor and more from technical innovations and the competitive use of knowledge. Studies also link education to economic growth: education contributes to improved productivity which in theory should lead to higher income and improved economic performance.
Poverty-reducing effects:
Education can vitally contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. While two of the goals pertain directly to education, education also helps to reduce poverty, promote gender equality, lower child mortality rates, protect against HIV/AIDS, reduce
fertility rates, and enhance environmental awareness.

Improves health and nutrition:
Education greatly benefits personal health. Particularly powerful for girls, it profoundly affects reproductive health, and also improves child mortality and welfare through better nutrition and higher immunization rates. Education may be the single most effective preventive weapon against HIV/AIDS.
Contributes to democratization:
Countries with smaller education gap between rates of boys’ and girls’ schooling tend to enjoy greater democracy. Democratic political institutions (such as power-sharing and clean elections) are more likely to exist in countries with higher literacy rates and education levels.
Reduces women’s fertility rates:
Women with formal education are much more likely to use reliable family planning methods, delay marriage and childbearing, and have fewer and healthier babies than women with no formal education. It is estimated that one year of female schooling reduces fertility by 10 percent. The effect is particularly pronounced for secondary schooling.

Lowers infant and child mortality rates:
Women with some formal education are more likely to seek medical care, ensure their children are immunized, be better informed about their children's nutritional requirements, and adopt improved sanitation practices. A
Answered by duragpalsingh

Education for every human being is the most essential component. Without education, man is placed into the category of animal. Girls' education in our country is very important. Even today also in our country the difference is there boys and girls according to some people. In rural areas, the situation of girls is not good. People are not familiar with the importance of Girl’s education. They think that boys or men is everything as they go for doing for job but girls only stay at home. This is the wrong thinking for women.

Now Time is rapidly changing. Girls also getting education equally to boys. Government is launching different campaigns to make a improving in girl’s education. Girls are getting knowledge for free in different government schools.  Government is influencing the importance of girl’s education.  Government is doing welfare for girl child.

All these are the result of two decades ago, and today we compare the situation of the girl child according to today’s time. Education empowers a grown up girl to become economically independent. They will be able to stand up for their rights. Girls have all the rights to get educated. Empowerment of girls and women is necessary to fight against the problem of gender-inequality.

Education of rural girls is equally important. Society is rapidly changing. Today women are considered equal to men. Girls' education in the country is moving towards progress. So girls education is so important.

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