English, asked by krish7469, 1 year ago

Essay on green city clean city of 100 to 150 words


Answered by sadanandchungath


Replenish Our Brown World With Green


In our so called "modern world" which give sole attention only to the number of industries than can be made, don't have time to think about the harm it could cause. Pollution which leads to global warming can be controlled to a level at least, if we try a bit harder. "Green City" is not a mere a heavenly dream, it is a possibility. Those who leave in flats, sure can grow plants at their home (at corridors/balconies). Also ,instead of buying the whole polyethylene bags with each shopping, why don't you make beautiful paper bags or cloth bags,good for earth and for you. Just because cities are polluted, we don't want watch it get worsened day by day. Just GO GREEN. Follow 4Rs -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover. With this simple principles and your actions, you can make a tiny change in the world which the people notice and imitate. Imagine the change the change you can make which actually can make this world a better place for living.

GREEN CITY, CLEAN CITY. GREEN CITY, ECO-FRIENDLY. Make this world a better place.

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