English, asked by manyasingh2603, 11 months ago



Answered by lakmee14

Litter is a threat to public health. Litter attracts vermin and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Items such as broken glass and syringes can be a health hazard in public places. ... Accumulated litter and careless discarded cigarette butts are potential fire hazards.

Animals eat plastic as it is littereted everywhere,we eat the same animals,so plastic too is consumed by us.also by littering everywhere there are many problems like smell,diseases,death,absent days and lost workdays,money,time and hardwork .ok, so don't litter or kill animals.

Litter is an important environmental issue.  It is amazing that 94% of people identify litter as a major environmental problem and yet people still litter.  Carelessly discarded garbage affects every member of society: it causes harm to people and animals, damages our waterways, cost us money and suggests that we do not care for our environment.  Fortunately, we can all do something to help prevent and reduce litter.  Pedestrians dropping garbage in streets and roadways.

Motorists discarding garbage out of their vehicle windows.

Uncovered loads.  Items that are not secure can easily be blown out of trucks and cause roadside littering.

Household refuse disposal and collection.  Animal scavengers and the wind can dislodge unsecured items placed out on the corner for collections.  Litter can also result from overloading trash containers.

Commercial refuse and disposal.  Poorly secured commercial refuse can easily become litter.

Construction projects.  Litter can come from uncontrolled building waste and workers’ lunchtime refuse.

People at leisure

Entertainment events.  Events create a large amount of litter, which can overflow onto neighboring areas when measures to cont it are not carefully planned.

Illegal dumping.

Intentional or habitual littering, for reasons such as laziness or acts of rebellions.

Answered by tanmaybangar1234567


Thanks for the answer

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